What was I thinking?!!!


Well-Known Member
I applied my Henna to my hair, put on two plastic caps, wrapped it twice with Saran wrap, put on a hat and went to Walmart. I almost passed out!!!:blush: I had wrapped the plastic around my head so tightly that I could not think straight. My head felt like someone had taken a belt and tied it around my head and was attempting to pull it to the last opening! The cashier had to get approval at the register and I had to wait. I swear I wanted to snatch that hat off and pull that plastic wrap off right there at the register. I grabbed the receipt when she finally handed it to me and practically ran out of the store to the parking lot to my car. I could hardly wait to open the door before I snatched that hat off and started tearing that plastic wrap off of my head. The mixture started running down my face, neck, and back. Not to mention my hair was an afro underneath. When I looked out the window, there was a white man in his truck staring at me like I was the strangest thing he had ever seen. :spinning:Needless to say, I will NOT EVER be trying that again.
OH WELL, AT LEAST only the white man saw you, and not your whole neighborhood. Thanks for the comic relief. I once did that with conditoner, and a treadmil LOL...it happens :)
Hopefully just the scaring folk by ripping off your hat and having green fluid ooze down your head part...cuz Henna itself is DA BOMB!:drunk:

Oh yeah, I will be continuing with the Henna. I think if I go shopping again, I will make the mix thicker so I won't have to wrap my head so tight.:yep:

Girl I had to laugh at myself! The price I am willing to pay for healthy hair is priceless. Including embarrassing myself. The henna came out very nice. Its a nice color too. I will post pictures this evening. I got a blow out to check my progress and to update my fokti and post end of year progress pictures and beginning of the year starting pictures. I love henna! I think it helps my hair during the blow fry session at the Dominicans. I will post those updates in the MT thread tonight.
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I'm happy you didn't pass out in the store. I could just imagine the smell of henna permeating from under those plastic cap from people trying to make sure you were ok. And them wondering "what's that brownish color surrounding her head?"

Note to self: Never leave house with henna in my hair.lol
In court ROFLMAO at this. This sounds like something I would do. I wore a wig to my sons school confrence and it was so damn tight for some reason and I felt the same way! I coudn't concentrate and wanted to take that sucka off and throw it across the room it was not a good situation to be in LOL as soon as I got to the car I ripped that sucka off and my son just looked at me like I was crazy.