what was i thinking?

I've done what most of you have done to my hair and I'm so grateful for haircare boards like this one. I appreciate my hair so much more since I've learned how to care for it properly.
--I never oiled my ends (never heard of it)
--I bumped my ends with a flat iron eeeeevery morning.
--I used Nexxus Emergencee every time I washed my hair, which was every two weeks (see ya'll, I was trying, I just needed a little direction).
--I pressed my relaxed edges (okay???!!!!)
--I did not take vitamins
--I used grease
--Now I did sleep in a scarf--I've been doing this since I was a little girl, but it was cotton. Ooops!

We've come a long way ladies . . .

perfect peace
The culprits were:

pink oil
not washing for 2-3 weeks
no deep conditioning
no heat protectants
no satin scarf or pillow case
rubber bands for ponytail holders
hard bristle brushes
combing dry hair
relaxer every 3-4 weeks
not paying attention to split ends

*and the true hair hall of shame moment*

Not combing or moisturizing my hair for several days & covering it with a scarf

What was I thnking????