What vitamin's & hair products are we using?


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What vitamin\'s & hair products are we using?

What vitamin's and hair products are you ladies using? I just ordered Hair Formula 37, did it work for any of you?
So what's your regimen? <font color="blue"> </font> [email protected]
Re: What vitamin\'s & hair products are we using?

I'm using GNC Ultra Nourishair and others that's in my siggy. I've never used h37, some say it works and some say it doesn't.
Re: What vitamin\'s & hair products are we using?

I take Nature's Plus Ultra Hair Plus with MSM (key ingredients in my signature). I also take a Womens' One-A-Day.
Re: What vitamin\'s & hair products are we using?

gnc hair,skin &amp;nails formula, biotin, msm, natural e, multi-oil formula dietary supplement, super b-complex with vitamin c and folic acid,flaxseed oil and evening primrose oil.
Re: What vitamin\'s & hair products are we using?

Vitamin Shoppe's HSN, codliver oil, biotin 10mgs, MSM and liquid flaxseed oil...all work well for me.
Re: What vitamin\'s & hair products are we using?

I've used HF37 and worked for me. I've recently slacked off (again). But will be starting it again.
Re: What vitamin\'s & hair products are we using?

GNC's Biotin 300mcg (2 a day) and a One Source Multi Vitamin