
Active Member
I was just watching ANTM and if you watch the show you may remember Bianca, the girl who had hair that was so damaged from hair color, relaxer, and weave that it had to be cut off.

She cried but she looked really GOOD with a TWA. Tonight I noticed that each side of her hair seems to be receding like men when they are getting bald. She was voted off tonight and they showed all of her pictures from passed weeks and it was not my imagination her sides are receding.
I thought I was the only one who noticed this!!! It did look like it was receding. Her hair does look nice, but Saleisha's (sp?) hair is the ish. :grin:
I watch ANTM also and I think it could be from all the extensions they used on her hair(head) over those weeks.
she probably doesn't take care of her hair. Likely she thinks it so short that she does not have too
she probably doesn't take care of her hair. Likely she thinks it so short that she does not have too

This is what I was thinking. Her hair looked very dry.

ETA: You might want to add a spoiler alert, I'm on the west coast so it's just coming on here, I wasn't mad though cause I don't like Bianca:grin:.
Yeah girl she had it coming. I didn't like the way she tried to tear other people (like Lisa) down to build herself up. Now Lisa? I was hurt when she left because I wanted her to win.
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Bianca was so catty and I was jumping up and down when she got sent home. I hated the way she treated Heather and she was smiling last week when Heather got voted off and this week she said she didn't miss her.

She was just SOoooooooo jealous. Regardless, I hate to see someone hair looking like that (with the bald spots) someone who wants long hair.

I wonder if she has noticed, we know she doesn't know how to take care of her hair because she had to get it cut off from damage.
FIVE STAR BANDITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT (announced with same background vocals for trojan man commercials.)
Her hair does look nice, but Saleisha's (sp?) hair is the ish. :grin:

Now, I thought I was the only one that noticed this!!!!! I was like "What were they thinking with that makeover" She hair looked better the way she came in.

Sorry for no "SPOILER ALERT" actually it just didn't occur to me. So to all I spoiled it for " I'm so sorry." I'll remember in the future.
her bad attitude was making it fall out. for real.


Princess Cherish said:
Yeah girl she had it coming. I didn't like the way she tried to tear other people (like Lisa) down to build herself up. Now Lisa? I was hurt when she left because I wanted her to win.

ITA. I liked Lisa too, she was sweet, just not strong enough to handle the pressure:(. Bianca was one of the most jealous people I've seen in awhile, it was ridiculous.