What Tools do You Use?

~Vintage Queen~

New Member
As I'm still learning to style/care for my own hair, I've had to pick up some styling tools other than a comb.:look:

I'm trying to decide if I'd prefer to get hair clamps or control grips to keep hair sectioned when flat twisting.

So ladies, I'm curious to know, what additional tools do you have in your stash? What should I add?

First and foremost I make sure whatever I'm using is hair friendly, meaning it doesn't snag, tear, or shred my hair.

I use plastic claws, elastics with the material wrapped around the rubber band, satin scruchies (sp?), hair sticks, fabric protected headbands, wide toothed combs, boar bristle brushes, and properly coated bobby pins. I also rollerset a lot using magnetic rollers and clips.

I don't use much else because I like to keep it simple.

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