What Tools are needed for at home styling?


New Member
I'm going to be a mommy soon, and with two little ones, I know I'll need to cut back on certain things. Something I DON'T want to cut back too much on is taking care of myself (which I don't do as much as I need to now as it is) I still want my hair to get done, and feel pretty and all that good stuff. I'm trying to prepare myself and my home for at home hair styling, manicures, etc;

My goal is to have regular roller sets, and to pretty much do all the things to my hair that would normally be done in a salon (trims, relaxers, roller sets, deep conditioning treatments, etc;)

What tools should I start getting now to help me be ready to be my own stylist. I know how to self-relax and trim, and roller-set, I just don't b/c it's 'easier' :ohwell: (not really, if I think about it) to have someone else do it. Well, I'd rather do my hair for free with a couple of minor investments in my own tools, than pay diaper and baby clothes money for someone ELSE who doesn't care more about my hair than I do to do it.

Any tips/suggestions, ladies.
Well I'd start with:

A hooded dryer-- for deep conditioning and drying those rollersets.

A good pair of hair shears-- for trimming the hair.

Hand Mirrors-- so you can catch all those angles you'll need

An assortment of combs/brushes-- various sizes for detangling, parting, smoothing--etc. Seamless ones are the best! Boar bristle brushes for smoothing. Round/flat brush for rollersetting.

Hair Clips/Clamps/pins-- for separating hair, or for a quick updo, placing rollers

Rollers-- various sizes

Plastic Caps for deep conditioning

Spray bottles-- for holding liquids (water, setting loation, etc)

Relaxer Tools: base, relaxer, neutralizer, deep conditioners, cape/towels

and just add that to the regular stuff like a satin scarf, ponytail holders, your quality protein and moisture based products, home heating appliances, etc.

I just purchased the kwik dry hooded dryer. I am really loving the hair turban I bought (based on macherieamour's tutorial) for my pre-poo and dc.
I recommend that you purchase a Pibbs Dryer if you will be doing rollersets weekly. Also a good ceramic flatiron and blowdryer
Sistaslick has it right. I bought my shears from Sally's (the silver). Don't forget to make sure the relaxers are out of reach of the kids. Good Luck!