What to put on Newgrowth?...


Well-Known Member
So, I plan to extend my relaxers as long as possible (definitely at least to 3 months, but longer would be nice.)

What do you suggest I put on my newgrowth for extra conditioning?

This is what I already use on my texturized hair:

-Super Cholesterol (regular Queene Helene cholesterol, but it has additional ingredients including keratin and aloe vera gel)
-Regular Cholesterol
-Mango Butter
-Coconut Oil.

I was thinking of using one or more of these on my newgrowth:

-More coconut oil
-Coconut milk and lime concoction
-Carol's Daughter Hair Butter or Milk
-Shea Butter (now, the lotion does nothing to my newgrowth, but I've never tried the butter itself)

Any suggestions? /images/graemlins/smirk.gif
I like scurl and Diva suggested unbraid spray which I started using and my new growth is very soft.
I use Profectiv RootHealth and Nubian Silk Oil to control my newgrowth when my new growth get really rough I pull out
my best Sta So Fro its great.
Hey we have been through the same hair trials and now we are at the same stage -mkay. Ha....we should go through our hair journey together....