What To Look Forward To!


Okay so a question for you ladies with any kind of length... what is it that urks you about your hair but you are grateful to have. Like what things do those of us who don't have the length have too look forward to? So what are u "grateful" for when it comes to your hair?

Pic below of the length of it

For instance I had on my lace front the other day and it kept getting caught in my seat belt and under my arms and blowing in my eye while driving! It was just urking me but even though it wasn't mine I was grateful to even pretend it was lol!
Sorry sideways

What urks me: The fact that I have so much of it. When I have new growth I like to apply moisturizer to it in 1 inch sections and it takes an hour to do my whole head =/

What I'm grateful for: The thickness! I can wear a luscious rollerset or flat iron if I want less body. My favorite is rollerset and wrap. Once I take down my wrap my hair is bouncy and luscious. Also, its resilient..i have done a bunch of crap to my hair and miraculously it manages to continue to grow despite all the abuse it receives.
I have to be careful when I am shaving my legs. bending over with my foot on the edge of the tub puts my hair right there
Come on I know we have plenty of long hair ladies here! Share your hair lurking stories, the good and bad, relaxed or natural! Chime in my LHCF sistas! Lol : )
I miss my (straight) ponytail from when my hair was APL/BSL. It was cute and low key. It's long now, which is cool, but the effect is different.

I also miss my puff. I loved that style, but my puffs look crazy at this length.

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I'm grateful that when I wear my hair straight I have to actually move my hair out the the way to sit back in a chair because my hair will get caught. The size of the curly "fro" I rocked yesterday my hair doesn't stand anymore though it flops but it was still large and luscious and I know impeding the view of the people behind me in class. I'm sure they were irked. The longer my hair gets the wider my wash and go gets doesn't hang longer but gets wider (weird). My bun is as big as my hand with my fingers splayed.
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My hair gets caught under my purse strap and when I feel it pulling I have a fit cuz I love my bags but my hair is far more important!
The longer it gets, the more complicated it gets to detangle....mostly because I'm still not in the habit of washing in sections, which would make life much easier.

I'm grateful that I even have that problem at all! I'm still traumatized by my extreme hair loss, and was soooo scared that it wasn't going to grow back. I have Hair again!!
Im sooooo looking forward to getting back to WL. The only thing im concerned about is getting my hair slammed in doors again :look:....im clumsy like that.

Right now...im irked about how the top is flat and the sides are huge! Lol

Overall tho im thankful that i do have hair. And i love how surprisingly easy it is to care for it.

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I second loving long locks but not enjoying when my straightened looks get caught in everything. Whenever I cuddle/spoon with my SO I always have to put my hair up or else it gets caught in between his arms or underneath my body or in something.
I hate when my hair gets stuck in my armpit. LOL

I have closed the sunroof on my hair lots of times because it blows up and out and sometimes theyll be a few strands I dont see and when I try to get out of the car....boing only my feet move cuz my head is stuck. LOL

I hate that I cant do my hair myself anymore...btwn being texlaxed and WL its just too hard....I dont have the patience. My arms hurts after detangling and 3 rollers in my arms feel like lead.

But I do love how my hair looks (though its thinner these days from a set back). Most ppl just assume its a weave...but its ok...I know its mine. LOL
my hair gets caught by purse straps, seat belts, someone laying on it, getting caught on my clothes, earrings,etc... i don't like my layers when it comes to putting my hair in a bun or ponytail and it takes forever to blow dry.

i'm grateful that i can put my hair in a bun or ponytail and wear my hair down with confidence straight now.
blackindia07 said:
I hate when my hair gets stuck in my armpit. LOL

I have closed the sunroof on my hair lots of times because it blows up and out and sometimes theyll be a few strands I dont see and when I try to get out of the car....boing only my feet move cuz my head is stuck. LOL

I hate that I cant do my hair myself anymore...btwn being texlaxed and WL its just too hard....I dont have the patience. My arms hurts after detangling and 3 rollers in my arms feel like lead.

But I do love how my hair looks (though its thinner these days from a set back). Most ppl just assume its a weave...but its ok...I know its mine. LOL

Your hair is gorgeous! That's the exact shape i want my hair to be when it gets that long again.

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I thank GOD that I have a thick, full head of WL, texlaxed hair, at age 52. It bothers me to see SO MANY ladies in their 40s, 50s and over (of all races) with thinning hair, especially in the crown area. But when I put my hair in a ponytail, my crown poofs up, looking like a mini conehead. :lol:

I thank GOD that my length gives me a myriad of style options...from "big hair" styles to flowing curls to messy buns.

I thank GOD that I am a total DIYer. I don't have to spend a lot of time on my hair for it to be healthy and look good. She likes to be left alone, and I agree with her. :)

I really can't think of anything that irks me about my hair...I love it all!
It urks me when the wind blows and my hair sticks to the lip gloss on my lips...but it is a blessing at the same time. I remember getting weaves that were the same length that my hair is now. I never thought it would happen and I am proud of my hair now :)...
When mine was longer, detangling sucked particularily because the new growth was healthy and moisturized but thick as the Amazon rainforest. Im grateful for it because I had/have edges and I love thick hair.
I've been balded by stylists and had a few setbacks, but my hair is the longest it's ever been, and I'm grateful for that. I self relax, and last time I had relaxer on my bare boob because a hank of hair came flying from the middle of my head!

It's not fun when wet hair get caught in a back roll!
What urks me is that my crown produces 2c strands and they Always look lifeless compared to my lovely type 3 hairs everywhere else

I LOOOOVE my thickness i looove it like woah, it makes me soo happy. and i love how healthy and long my hair is... between APL and BSL and the longest its ever been since i was in Pre-K/Kindergarten lol i'm only 17 so i have MUCH more growing to do.
It kind of bothers me that my straight hair looks like a weave. Like I paid a lot of money for it too because it has scalp and everything :lachen: I feel like ppl see my hair and think oh she could have cut it a little bit to make it look real :/

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I liked that almost silent "woosh" when i would turn my head while sporting a fresh flat ironing job...lol. And when u have something that smells super good in your hair and u swing it....its an instant air freshener :)

Come on WL!!! lol

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SmilingElephant said:
I liked that almost silent "woosh" when i would turn my head while sporting a fresh flat ironing job...lol. And when u have something that smells super good in your hair and u swing it....its an instant air freshener :)

Come on WL!!! lol

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I'm sorry you made me laugh! Lol