What To Do With Shrinkage


New Member
My sister's hair is beginning to grow a bit faster but she has a lot of shrinkage. I know that her hair's growing, but due to the shrinkage it doesn't appear to be. Is anyone else having this problem and what possible solutions do you have to alleviate it? She's 16 weeks post and the shrinkage is getting more difficult to comb through no matter how much conditioner/oil she uses. She's afraid to get a touch up because she doesn't want to risk her hair falling out from being overprocessed. I told her that I didn't think it would be overprocessed, but I'm no pro. Do you ladies think it would be better to get a touch up, flat iron or just grin and bear it? Any ideas would be appreciated. Also I told her to become a member of TLHC and get some ideas. Due to her extremely low budget, she asked if I could ask for some advice for her. (I'm on a tight budget right now also, but I'm already a member) :grin: Lol!
You say your sister doesn't want to relax? Is she going natural? Shrinkage is par for the course when it comes to most natural hair. Sometimes braiding the hair up (in like 4-6 braids can help stretch out newgrowth).

That was nice of you to ask the question on her behalf. Tell her good luck with her hair. Sorry I can't be of more help.
Not sure what her goal is.

If she is going natural and trying to wait for the big chop she may run into deeper issues with the shrinkage.

If she is trying to make sure she doesn't over process 16 weeks sounds like she should be fine with getting another touch up. If she still feels she doesn't want to do that she can get it flat iron or pressed. There are a few ladies that do this online, I hope they come in and contribute.

The one thing I have learned about your shrinkage is that you can't change it (not much anyway) it is what it is for each individual.

I know, I am the President of the hair shrinkage club! :) Or at the very least on of the Board members! LOL

Do a search about stretching and see what comes up and it should show how other ladies are handling their new growth.

Best wishes to both of you on your healthy heair journey.