What To Do With Mbl My Hair


Well-Known Member
Ladies, I'm currently natural and have been for 5 years but I'm looking to switch it up, for many reasons, including manageability. My hair is currently MBL and it's just a lot for my schedule right now. I want to retain the length and also wear it straight more often. I don't want a relaxer or to texlax.

I'm considering doing a BKT treatment. A few questions.. how long does this last? Does my hair revert back? Can I do this myself is this a salon only option?

Someone mentioned a smoothing treatment because I don't want to relax. What is that and how good is it?

Something else I should consider?
How long does this last?
It depends on many factors such as the type of formula used, how many passes you use, how high the temperature is and how often you wash your hair post treatment.

Does my hair revert back? It depends on the formula and how much heat is used

Can I do this myself is this a salon only option? If you want to keep your curl I strongly advise to do it yourself. Although it's not advised for home use by professionals, most professionals don't know how to maintain bkts for super curly hair for long periods of time. BTW I am also a professional.

Someone mentioned a smoothing treatment because I don't want to relax. What is that and how good is it? Smoothing treatments are like BKT light. They elongate the hair but also will revert completely over time. Only con is that they do not last as long as a traditional bkt. Also good quality ones tend to be professional only. That stuff in the drug store or bss doesn't hold a candle to the professional ones IMO.

I've been researching and bkting since 2009 and I love it. it took me a while to find my groove with it because its not a popular product for afro textured hair. It also has alot of mixed reviews with people wanting different end results so its hard to gauge by others reviews. So I pretty much had to pioneer my own way.
How long does this last?
It depends on many factors such as the type of formula used, how many passes you use, how high the temperature is and how often you wash your hair post treatment.

Does my hair revert back? It depends on the formula and how much heat is used

Can I do this myself is this a salon only option? If you want to keep your curl I strongly advise to do it yourself. Although it's not advised for home use by professionals, most professionals don't know how to maintain bkts for super curly hair for long periods of time. BTW I am also a professional.

Someone mentioned a smoothing treatment because I don't want to relax. What is that and how good is it? Smoothing treatments are like BKT light. They elongate the hair but also will revert completely over time. Only con is that they do not last as long as a traditional bkt. Also good quality ones tend to be professional only. That stuff in the drug store or bss doesn't hold a candle to the professional ones IMO.

I've been researching and bkting since 2009 and I love it. it took me a while to find my groove with it because its not a popular product for afro textured hair. It also has alot of mixed reviews with people wanting different end results so its hard to gauge by others reviews. So I pretty much had to pioneer my own way.

Which BKT do you use and how do you maintain it? Can you recommend one for me. I basically want something that will last me 3-4 months. I wouldn't mind being able to wash my hair more often and enjoying a looser texture before having it revert back in 3-4 months.
Every two weeks. I'd like to wash every week but it's just too much time tbh.
I just ask because if you want to wear it straight more often, but don't want a relaxer, of course every time you wash you'd have to re-straighten. Maybe like someone said, you can straighten it once a month and then on the next wash, wear kinky. If you get it straightened kind of regularly, it'll be easier to upkeep in the meantime because it doesn't go back 100% to full kinky tangled glory after 1 wash, at least not in my experience.
I received a Chi Enviro treatment about two weeks ago because I was traveling and didn't want my straightened hair to revert. However, I did want my natural curls back once I washed, so I was on the fence about getting one, but I decided to go with it.

My hair stayed straight, but it was only silky the first day, then it felt kind of stiff. After the next wash and flat iron it may go back to silky...but I have no plans on straightening it for several months. Next time I'll get the treatment and after 24 hours wash and flat iron (per instructions). The curl pattern is a little looser (I don't mind like I thought I would) and less frizzy. After a few washes with sulphate shampoos it will come out. I also had an olaplex treatment done since I colored, so I'm not sure which treatment is responsible for it, but my natural hair feels strong and has a lot of shine.
Which BKT do you use and how do you maintain it? Can you recommend one for me. I basically want something that will last me 3-4 months. I wouldn't mind being able to wash my hair more often and enjoying a looser texture before having it revert back in 3-4 months.

My personal favorites are pure Brazilian clear(form free) and ok original keratin(formaldehyde)

So far I prefer the pure Brazilian clear for the summer when I wet my hair alot. But it loses the curl loosening much faster as well but it can be done more often. The frizz free aspect and manageability is very long lasting for a formaldehyde free product.

The ok keratin makes the hair super silky like nothing I've ever tried. It was my first bkt brand so I always measured others to it. It lasts a full 3 to 4 months but the hair does go back to frizzy and normal after non use. I prefer it more for the winter when I straighten more often. I also make sure to take proper precautions when using.
not trying to rain on anyone's parade, but my cousin got the bkt, and let me tell you....

over time, her hair thinned. she regrets getting that treatment. also, her hair never fully reverted.

i would do more due diligence to see what other options are available to you, if you want to keep the healthiness and thickness of your mane.

a woman's hair is her crown and glory.

perhaps you should hide it for the summer? I know you said you'd like to wear it straight for the summer, but I know for me, that was not an option considering where I live and this terrible humidity.

I weaved it up instead.