What to do to hair after micro braids


New Member
Hello Ladies,

Today my mom is taking her micro braids out. Usually when she takes them out I give her a relaxer (silk elements), blow dry and flat iron. Before she got the micro braids her hair was dry and breaking not to mentioned she dyed it a florecent oranges reddish color.

I would like to start helping her take better care of hair, just like I'm starting to take better care of minds. Is putting a relaxer in right after taking micro's out a good idea or is the hair to weak and needs to be treated first?

Suggestions PLEASE!!!!
Micro braids can be tough on hair. as she has coloured hair, take the time to detangle and coat her hair with conditioner. Give her a reconstructive treatment if you can and let her hair rest for AT LEAST 2 weeks before relaxing.
I know some ladies may not agree but you really should rest your hair after removing braids.
I don't think you should put a relaxer in right away. First thing you should do is if you haven't already is detangle, detangle, detangle, your hair patiently. There are plenty of women who can attest to washing their hair right after taking out braids and ending up with knots/tangles all over! And you don't want that. After that's done wash, and dc with a moisturizing protein conditioner. Your hair will definitely thank you for this treatment!:grin:
I don't think you should put a relaxer in right away. First thing you should do is if you haven't already is detangle, detangle, detangle, your hair patiently. There are plenty of women who can attest to washing their hair right after taking out braids and ending up with knots/tangles all over! And you don't want that. After that's done wash, and dc with a moisturizing protein conditioner. Your hair will definitely thank you for this treatment!:grin:

Please make sure you do this. Protein is everyone's best friend after a protective style.
Oh yeah and I agree with TemiLnd about leaving your hair alone for at least 2 weeks before the relaxer. Thinking about it you could get away with a week and a half though....Just show your hair a lot of tlc before you relax and you'll be fine.
Hi. My question is, how often can/should I co wash (with a moisture rich conditioner of course) after nearly a year of weave (yes I had them removed for a day or so to condition, but basically wore it for 9 months). I love to wet my hair, and am anxious to rebuild moisture as quickly as possible becaue my hair is so dry. I'm afraid it's going to break off. I've made a no heat promise to my self for at least the first 10 days post weave and plan to bun or braid out. Whaddaya think?