What to do for dry itchy scalp?


Well-Known Member
Last night my scalp was on fiyah. Itchy beyond reason. I sprayed my water/rosemary oil mix on and followed up with coconut oil. Sprayed with water/rosemary mix again then followed up with Kemi Shea Butter Pomade. I know its meant for hair but I figured the shea butter in it would help. I followed that with Carlson's Vitamin E cream. Then remembering that MTG was originally made to address skin issues (or something like that), I put that on my scalp too and followed up with more vitamin E. It was about 2 in the morning and I just wanted to get my scalp to calm down so I could go to sleep.

I'm currently wearing cornrows. What do you recommend for me to use so that I don't have to put fiftyeleven products on my head?:)

Thanks in advance.
I use to get the itches at about day 3 after a wash. Since using BT I don't get them at all. I went a week without washing this week. And I still had no itches, I just felt like I should wash. I belive with using this stuff I could stretch out my washes for over two weeks.
I also don't get the itchies as often after using boundless tresses.

but when i do (usually after about a week) I do an ACV rinse or spritz with witch hazel and gently rub with gauze or cotton ball
ACV works for me. I removed all the build up from others products that usually the problem for me and then I use emu oil its always sooth the area for me. I swear by emu oil. its expensive but worth having in your house for things that come up. I had a huge bruise on my leg I use emu oil and it cleared it up. Great stuff.
oh I use emu oil instead of lotion. I read somewhere don't put anything on your skin you can't eat and I though about it. You can take emu oil in a pill form (Iwouldn't) so I use it for my skin. Great stuff really- thats all I use