what to do at bedtime


New Member
Hi ladies...I'm a newbie and want some tips about what to do with my hair at bedtime. It's between chin and shoulder length - closer to shoulder...It's very thick and stays dry & coarse. It hasn't been past my shoulders for over 10 years...thanks in advance.
Hi Tijay,

I'm a newbie as well. I'm looking to see if there's a place newbies can go to get their questions answered.

Here's to healthy hair!
Are you wearing your hair down or bunned? I moisturize at night, then braid or just place a satin cap over it b/c I wear a bun 98% of the time. If I'm wearing my hair down, I moisturize then set on 4 big rollers going down the middle of my head (mohawk rollerset). HTH

Good luck ladies & welcome!

ETA: Check the Sticky "A newcomer's guide to starting out", this will help answer alot of questions.
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hey delta...i've been looking but haven't had much sucess. let me know if you have some luck!