what the hell was i thinking?


Well-Known Member
I cant believe that I was waiting for my daughter to turn 3 so that I could relax her hair!!! LAWD HAVE MERCY!!

before I found this site I hated dealing with my daughters hair.
My best friends little sister got her first relaxer at 4!! i told her that I wanted to relax my daughters hair and she was like "Ah heck no! atleast wait until she's 4 or 5!!!" WTH!!!
I'm so very thankful for LHCF:yep:
LHCF, changing the world one person at a time. I'm glad you didn't relax her hair. I wish other mothers that are considering the same thing will just stop & think about it first.

HHG to you and your daughter :)
And we are thankful you were open minded and willing to learn a new way. Good luck to you and your little girl :)
little kids with relaxed hair?! wow!

When i was that age my mom use to braid me some doggy braids. My first relaxer was when i was going to high school.

Glad you had a change of mind!
I'm SO glad you changed your mind!! Kudos to you, some people aren't open minded enough to accept a different way of doing things.

Sidebar - you're pretty.
Oh, and have u looked in the kiddie forum? lots of info and tips there too... good luck w/ your lil one's hair!
So glad you were open minded enough to change your mind!! I hope you let her decide when she gets older! Good luck with your daughter's hair!!
I'm so glad you changed your mind. IMO, the caustic chemicals in relaxers are way too harsh for little girls hair and scalp. (Even the "kiddie perms") If you're looking to soften your daughter's hair, try some of the homemade concoctions like coconut milk and lime, caramel treatments, and the yogurt treatments. There are several threads about these mixes, they are all-natural, and alot of the ladies have used them on their daughters' hair. Good luck.
I'm so glad you changed your mind, and definitely check out the children's hair forum, there are some wonderful inspiring posts in there.
Kudos to you!! I have 6 and 7-year old (natural) girls. Keeping up with their hair is like a full-time job, but I'm hanging in there. I just pray they don't jack up all of my hard work when they're teenagers.