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I am supposed to be making rounds right now but I just had to get to a computer to tell you all what I just saw!! I was downstairs in the lobby when I saw this lady with braids. She had to have had them in for about eight months. The braids hung at least four or five inches down. NO LIE! Her braids started somewhere around the top of her ear. Her roots looked completely matted! It also looked as if her hair hadn't seen water for the entire time she had braids. How the heck is she going to take them out? Why did the heck did she leave them in so long? What the heck is she thinking? I think she was GROSSLY misinformed about the power of braids. They aren't magical. You do have to care for them in order to reap the benefits! I wanted to sit her down and talk to her so bad. She is still here. Should I say something? Should I just let her go? What a shame. I hope her hair wasn't long before she had braids, because she would certainly have to cut it all off if/when she ever takes them out! What would you do? Have you ever seen a woman whose hair was so jacked up that you wanted to say something to her? Did you?
I would say something. Just make friendly conversation and mention this board. Tell her you know a great website that give really great tips on braid care.
Is she "all there?" You don't want to start something with a crazy woman
You said you were making rounds... do you work in a hospital? Do you work in the psychiatric ward? Maybe she's a little slow on the uptake?
I would just let her go cause if she looks in the mirror every morning and that don't bother her then... Aint nothin much you can say or do.
I would just let her go cause if she looks in the mirror every morning and that don't bother her then... Aint nothin much you can say or do.

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I agree. I tried to tell someone that leaving her braids in to the point where there was 2 inches of new growth would break her hair off. She didn't beleive me. Now her hair is nearly bald at the temples. She's upset but I don't say anything anymore since she blew me off when I warned her.
Some things you have to learn on your own.
I've seen kids with braids like that. I think the parents just get the braids thinking "now I won't have to touch my kid's hair" and fail to realize that they rewuire care and a rebraid every two months.
She could be trying to start locks. i have seen this many times. It does look a bit off though! I suppose its just easier to start them that way
I wouldn't say anything. But I'm a big chicken. I'm afraid to ask someone for the time!
If she were a close friend I might think of a tactful way to tell them, but a stranger? No way. She might want to fight you!

This reminds me of the woman in Atlanta who practically chased me down the street to give me a flyer from her beauty salon. She passed dozens of other women and was huffing and puffing like I desperately needed this information. My friends were cracking up and the whole experience really hurt my feelings.
I was new in town, my hair was in a ponytail and I was 6 weeks into my relaxer, but DAMN! She was like OJ jumping over people and luggage in the airport!

The salon was Georgianne's, btw. I never went because of that experience...

This reminds me of the woman in Atlanta who practically chased me down the street to give me a flyer from her beauty salon. She passed dozens of other women and was huffing and puffing like I desperately needed this information. My friends were cracking up and the whole experience really hurt my feelings.
I was new in town, my hair was in a ponytail and I was 6 weeks into my relaxer, but DAMN! She was like OJ jumping over people and luggage in the airport!

The salon was Georgianne's, btw. I never went because of that experience...

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It's funny now ! But at the time I was devastated! I mean, SHE WAS CHASING ME DOWN THE STREET!

My friends and I still laugh about that day...
She passed dozens of other women and was huffing and puffing like I desperately needed this information. My friends were cracking up and the whole experience really hurt my feelings. I was new in town, my hair was in a ponytail and I was 6 weeks into my relaxer, but DAMN! She was like OJ jumping over people and luggage in the airport!

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I'm sorry your feelings were hurt, but you can laugh at it now. That was too funny
We don't have a psych ward, and I am pretty sure she was a visitor but I didn't say anything. She might have gotten mad and tried to snatch out one of my braids. I left it alone.
What was she thinking? We'll never know. I just wanna share that I saw a thread on another board that was really berating a sister for abusing braids to the point where it appeared this had caused terrible hairloss. This post does not even come close to the disdain displayed there. Thank you so much!

My Mama use to say "When we know better, we do better." I try to live by that. We have an abundnace of folks ready to deride sisters of color on any number of topics. They don't need any help, ya know?

This is not a criticism. I really appreciate the positive attitude of the sisters on this board and hope that the cultivation continues.
I wouldn't say anything either. Some women are just not into hair care. For example I work with a lady that just does not take care of her hair period. She is the only other black person in our office and she is a very nice woman. I offered to do her relaxers for her, set her hair for her, u name it I offered. I told her all about my endless products and told her that I wouldn't mind at all because I still don't know very many people here in this area. And I told her I would do it for free. She was amazed that I did my own hair! But she just is not into hair and will tell you so, in fact her hairline has broken off about 2 inches from where it should start. I could go on, but I decided to not push the issue because you can't make someone do something they don't want to do. A person had to take pride in their own hair and if they don't......oh well. It's their hair.

I think we just feel bad for them because we know from taking good care of our own hair what they could achieve if they put some effort into it. Personally, I love to see a black woman with a head of gorgeous healthy hair, long or short.

This reminds me of the woman in Atlanta who practically chased me down the street to give me a flyer from her beauty salon. She passed dozens of other women and was huffing and puffing like I desperately needed this information. My friends were cracking up and the whole experience really hurt my feelings.
I was new in town, my hair was in a ponytail and I was 6 weeks into my relaxer, but DAMN! She was like OJ jumping over people and luggage in the airport!

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This needs to be the title of a whole new category unto itself. In this same category, I must put the mother of one of my students. The mom actually permanently colors the little girl's hair! Mind you,I teach 3rd graders. I didn't know that she was not naturally a red head until I saw about two inches of brown roots last week. She also puts in so much gel in the child's hair that it looks like her hair is painted on.