What the HAIR?! I'm Bout Thru!


New Member
I've been doing well with my hair since that 4" that I have to chop off earlier this year (because I was an idiot and decided to try and trim my own hair - idiocy). I only flat iron my hair - with gargantuan amounts of heat protecting products - once every 2 months if that. But I been rockin' twist outs, and flat twists, and cornrows or bunning it all the other time and have been doing well but they ALWAYS turn out half assed because I still have like 4" of relaxed hair in many places! So my hair is curly curly curly STRAIGHT and it looks 'bout Ca-Razy!


I plan on braiding my hair up for a while anyway and just taking care of it that way so my length won't be an issue to me as consciencely. I want to start working out everyday and I sweat in my hair alot but I plan on using the Crown & Glory braided hair method to grow my hair!

I have like 4 different textures in my hair - no lie - and it's becoming overwhelming - but I LOVE my natural hair SO much - I'm just looking for motivation and inspiration - because sometimes it feels like it's such a HUGE task to take on - and sometimes I get lazy and neglect my hair because it's like having a third child! LOL!


**Off to do my hair...**
I feel what you're saying. When I was transitioning I about went crazy. I had so many types of hair to deal with. It was overwhelming. The only thing that worked for me was rod sets. I got so tired of setting my hair. I too was a stickler for length. I hung on to the relaxed hair for so long. Like a year. I had like 4 in of relaxed hair and and 8in of natural hair. I finally was like enough and I didn't just get the relaxed hair cut off I went ahead and had it cut in a pixie kind of style longer in the front short in the back they flat ironed it for me. I was so scared to wash it cause I didnt want to see how much it would shrink up to I was so scared! Finally I had to cause my scalp got itchy but I was so happy with it. Even though I still had diff types I didnt have the crazy ol' relaxed ends hanging on...it actually looked like a head of hair not some craziness like before.

I wish you the best with whatever decision you make.

ETA: I meant to say 8 inches of relaxed hair and 4in of natural hair!
I could have written that post myself because my hair is truly driving me insane. The humidity is killing me and all my usual styles look busted :perplexed

The only bright/dull side of this is that I've been bunning almost every day this summer. Good for my retention, bad for my desire to keep things interesting.
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Thank y'all for the responses. My sister is hoping that I don't regret it. (She is the one that will be cutting off the relaxed ends.) I come up with the craziest styles randomly...which reminds me that I need to start uploading them on this site and on my blog so that everyone will see. I just want to wear my natural hair out and curly...I want to be able to Wash'n'Go and I can't with this weeping willow look I got going on!! LOL!