What the Bible says about Gossip, the subtle sin


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
Uplifting one another ... I believe God expects nothing less of me, and I've been guilty of not doing so at times. I pray for humility and grace in my heart when dealing with others in the Body of Christ. I pray that Trust develops in our hearts for one another and that prayer requests remain sacred, as God intended.

This was on my heart today. Stay encouraged, as we all strive to please God the best way we know how.

Edwin Lukens

The Bible Warns Us of the Dangers of Gossip
The Bible has much to say concerning the topic of gossip and the damage it causes. Gossip is one of those sneaky sins mentioned in the Bible because it's easy to fall into the trap of speaking maliciously or falsely about someone else. Many can remember a time when they gossiped but had no intention to. The Bible also mentions those who love to gossip. Gossip can stir up negative emotions in people and those emotions can be the precursors to further serious sin. Emotions like hatred, envy, strife, bitterness, grief, and mistrust can all be stirred up when gossip is allowed to run wild. Let's see how the Bible warns us of the dangers of gossip.
The Bible tells us that Gossip ignites troubles by such a small part of the body. Consider how many messages are conveyed by the tongue. Christians do well when they learn to hold their tongues because it prevents further sin. James 3:5-6 gives us a very good description of the power of the tongue: “Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.”
Gossip is a byproduct of what the Bible calls idleness. People who are busy have no time to gossip. For example, in the Bible Timothy gives a suggestion that younger widows (below the age of 60) should get married again so as to give no place to idleness. Otherwise, they risk becoming falling into gossip for lack of having anything better to do. In 1 Timothy 5:12-13 we read the advice given for young widows: “Thus they bring judgment on themselves, because they have broken their first pledge. Besides, they get into the habit of being idle and going about from house to house. And not only do they become idlers, but also gossips and busybodies, saying things they ought not to.”
The Bible tells Christians to stay away from others who are idle and gossip. The Apostle Paul emphasizes the need for believers to work for their sustenance and not waste precious time with those who won't work having become busybodies. Busybodies are gossipers by definition. In 2 Thessalonians 3:11-15 Paul warns the church, “We hear that some among you are idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies. Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the bread they eat. And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right. If anyone does not obey our instruction in this letter, take special note of him. Do not associate with him, in order that he may feel ashamed. Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.”
Gossip can be easily stopped by not passing it along. When you hear someone gossip to you about another person maliciously, the best thing you can do is let it go no further. Change the subject of the conversation and just keep what you heard to yourself. Of course this person may tell someone else but at least you'll not sin by not spreading it. Proverbs 26:20 tells us, “Without wood a fire goes out without gossip a quarrel dies down.”
Don't use prayer requests as an opportunity to gossip. This occurs often in our churches. Churches should have prayer meeting times so that more than one believer can petition God with requests at the same time and with unity in mind and spirit. These meetings usually follow the same format in that the leader asks for prayer requests and then members share them with others. Where the gossip occurs is when someone is having a potentially embarrassing personal hardship and has confided in one of the church members with a prayer request. The church member then goes to the meeting and presents this person's "dirty laundry" (or the person's situation) to the other believers present in the name of requesting prayer. It is better to call this an “unspoken” request to avoid spreading it as gossip. God knows what the request is anyways.
I found myself struggling with this same sin. Its not that I run tell others business, I run tell my friends about who pissed me off at work today. I have to talk to someone about my boss and the many many many trials she puts me through each day. But I started praying about it. I been praying that God guards my mouth, my heart, my thoughts. capture every thought that is not pleasing to him that doesn't glorify him. Its only been two days and she has gotten under my skin and on my nerves so bad its a wonder but it never occurred to me to go and talk about it. Also someone mentioned to me that there are some things you just do not talk about but to God only. i realize that is true. Talking about her has never helped me, it only made me look bad.
I found myself struggling with this same sin. Its not that I run tell others business, I run tell my friends about who pissed me off at work today. I have to talk to someone about my boss and the many many many trials she puts me through each day. But I started praying about it. I been praying that God guards my mouth, my heart, my thoughts. capture every thought that is not pleasing to him that doesn't glorify him. Its only been two days and she has gotten under my skin and on my nerves so bad its a wonder but it never occurred to me to go and talk about it. Also someone mentioned to me that there are some things you just do not talk about but to God only. i realize that is true. Talking about her has never helped me, it only made me look bad.

This is me, too. I mostly complain about a co-worker. I memorized my first verse this week and am trying to remember it so as not to do this.

"May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, Oh Lord, my rock and my redeemer. " Psalm 19:14

I was reading Psalms Monday morning and there was this verse - exactly what I needed.
Beautiful post... :yep: Thing is, we all complain at some point or another, including me. And you know what? God still loves me anyway.. :laugh: that's what's so great about a relationship with God. He loves me in spite of my flesh. When I try so hard to appear perfect before others, I'm fooling only myself.

I found myself struggling with this same sin. Its not that I run tell others business, I run tell my friends about who pissed me off at work today. I have to talk to someone about my boss and the many many many trials she puts me through each day. But I started praying about it. I been praying that God guards my mouth, my heart, my thoughts. capture every thought that is not pleasing to him that doesn't glorify him. Its only been two days and she has gotten under my skin and on my nerves so bad its a wonder but it never occurred to me to go and talk about it. Also someone mentioned to me that there are some things you just do not talk about but to God only. i realize that is true. Talking about her has never helped me, it only made me look bad.
I honestly can say that this is a sin that I often don't remember. As others have already mentioned, I find myself talking about someone who I believe wronged me - without even a thought. May God be in my thoughts because that is where it all starts.

Great thread, Laela.
Hi Ladies,

This has really been on my mind lately. I'm not a huge complainer but I have two people that I vent to all the time. They are my mom and my sister. We talk about work issues, we talk about relationships and friendship. And we talk about people who make us mad and/or hurt our feelings. We talk about everything and I believe it's what keeps us sane. So my question to you is... Is complaining to someone you confide in considered gossip? If you're just talking about it amongst yourselves and you know none of you are going to take it outside the circle is it still gossip? And what about when it comes to family issues? Is it still gossip if you're discussing the issues that are occurring in your family (including extended family - for example your cousins' drama)?

I used to always think of gossip as conversations with malicious intent but I don't view my conversations with my mom and sis as malicious. Yes, we do talking about how others treat us and our reaction to it (negative and positive - yea we do have tempers!) but I've always viewed it as our venting session. We get our anger out amongst each so that we don't release it in an ungodly manner on those who anger us. My mom often prays for us after we have these discussions and she's very honest and tells us when we're wrong. But recently, I feel a conviction about it and I'm not sure if it's because we really are wrong in having these discussions or if it's the enemy trying to pull me from the support and prayers I get from my close bond with my mother and sister.

What do you ladies think?
I found myself struggling with this same sin. Its not that I run tell others business, I run tell my friends about who pissed me off at work today. I have to talk to someone about my boss and the many many many trials she puts me through each day. But I started praying about it. I been praying that God guards my mouth, my heart, my thoughts. capture every thought that is not pleasing to him that doesn't glorify him. Its only been two days and she has gotten under my skin and on my nerves so bad its a wonder but it never occurred to me to go and talk about it. Also someone mentioned to me that there are some things you just do not talk about but to God only. i realize that is true. Talking about her has never helped me, it only made me look bad.

wow. i was convicted on the spot reading this.

God forgive me and whew. Imma have to pray on it too. Jesus take the wheel.
Honestly, I'm always confused about what's gossip and what's not. My co-worker/friend and I will email each other and our mutual co-worker is usually the topic. Either I'm venting or his venting. We dont' mean to but she does things that make you think. I'm struggling with this because I'm trying to stay mutual to everyone at work. lol....But sometimes it's hard. I have to start praying as soon as I feel conflict and the Holy Spirit will convict my heart to let me know that I'm beginning to gossip and I'm glad that he does that. I've and I'm sure everyone has been the burnt of gossip and it's not fun so I'm glad that it's against God's word and I pray that I and everyone be cautious about it. It's most definitely a learning experience. I pray that I will stay neutral in the situation with my co-worker and not talk about her.
This scripture was a part of a message I received in my email today. it is fitting.

Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly 2 Timothy 2:16