What stops the relaxer?


New Member
I know that the neutralizer stops it, but what about it? I was on the Keratin Support Thread and part of the manual for Marcia said after a texturizer to use the BKT clarifying shampoo instead of the neutralizer and then apply the BKT from there. Is that safe? I just have this vision of having the BKT on my hair and the relaxer still working underneath it and all my hair falling out!
It is pH Level of the shampoo. But that's sounds dodgy, why an earth would you need a texturiser and BKT?
It's all about pH levels and not the "shampoo" per se. Changing the pH level stops the relaxer from continuing to process and neutralizing shampoos usually do this.

As far as BKT I have no clue.
That's my question. Why do both?

Well, I can understand why someone may want to do both. BKT is NOT a relaxer or texturizer...it's a Keratin treatment that bonds keratin to the hair, which is lost over the years due to the age of your tresses and it's exposure to the elements. That's why there are many stylists that say you should relax / texturize your hair before doing a BKT . It replaces the keratin that was lost due to a chemical process, which strengthens the hair and gives it a healthier appearance.

A BKT is not primarily used to straighten the hair either...there are many people that do a BKT who already have straight hair. However, most of us who have curly hair use it as an alternate to relaxing since the BKT process makes the hair straight for a period of time and is not damaging to the hair cuticle like a relaxer is. Moreover, you have the option of returning to your natural curly hair unlike a relaxer so it's like you have the best of both worlds :yep:
It is my understanding, even Plain Water will lower the ph balance of the relaxer.:look:

This was based on a Thread in the Archives that explain the Caustic Action of Relaxers both Lye and No-Lye and the various ph Balances of both.

Products with a Low Ph Balance can should stop the relaxer from continuing to process. i.e. Neutralizers, Acidifying Conditioning Treatments etc.....

Your Optimum ph Level for your Hair should be around 4.0 -4.5.:yep:
Thank you for your answers ladies!

To the people who asked, I am doing both for two reasons. !, like lovenharmony beautifully said it will help restore health to my hair and also to get straighter results without going bone straight with the relaxer.