What Spurred the Current Natural Hair Movement

So, wait...you mean to tell me that most of the people who spent months, even years, transitioning....or ladies that cut all their hair off are doing so to be part of a fad?

AND....only women who wear unmanipulated fro's are truly natural?

I am so tired of people finding ways to create dissention and divides amongst Black women.

That would mean most of us aren't really natural. :rolleyes:
Some wear their hair without chemicals or color or extensions or what have you. Some wear makeup, some wear no makeup. There will always be one or the other and at the end of the day it doesn't matter.

I stopped relaxing because I found out that I had other options, the sole option being not having to use a relaxer. I didn't know about twist outs or curly hair or WHAT, I didn't know what my hair was like at ALL. All I knew was that I saw a bunch of girls wearing their hair without a relaxer and I decided to do the same. There wasn't a ton of reasoning behind that decision.
For me, my brother got his hair locked and I noticed the beautiful texture of his curly hair as his locks grew. I realized if his hair was beautiful in its natural state, mine would also be just as beautiful...
I believe that we have so much more knowledge about our hair and we feel comfortable trying new things because we can go online and research our options with such ease. I decided to go natural because I didn't want to experience the thinning that I've seen my mother go through. I want to have a full head of hair for as long as possible. I love my natural hair and I don't miss being relaxed at all!