What size Flexi8 should I Get?


New Member
Hi All!
I've broken too many dat-gum clips! I love Linzi Clips the work to hold my buns, but they continue to break on me:nono: So I bought a hair fork from Etsy but the 4 inch is too big at this moment (i'm not DLewis out here!). So the nice people from MairzyDozy will rework the fork to 2" by 1" so I too can have a bun with low tension hold:grin:. Next time i'll just order a custom hairfork from the getgo.

I am also looking into a FLexi8, but what type do I need:rolleyes:. I have beyond SL unstretched hair it's 4a curly/wavy, and it's thick enough to break clips, but it's not super long. i checked the video tutorial on the sight, but i'm confused. So far I think I need small.

My Hair, most of it is in the braid, my usual bun is bigger than this...

My hair
OMG i have that clip(that you posted)

I remember when i didnt have enough hair to use that clip, now i have to much..so i just wasted my money:lachen:

So anyway, another hair care forum has a FANTASTIC thread on these clips,

Theres dfferent pictures, some show the size compared side by side!

The Medium is the 3 on the LOW left corner, and the Large is the 3 on the HIGH right corner. Small is the last 2 on the right side

The THIRD post on this page shows very good comparison with the size!!!

This page on the main Flexi 8 website has a good chart,
Is there another place online that sells something similar to the Flexi8? I actually would prefer a plain metal piece without beads. I have picked out two from the site that I like. I also found some lovely clips via a search for amish hair pins (that DLewis...she is just up on it!). Please click the link guys, there is great stuff out there.
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Is there another place online that sells something similar to the Flexi8? I actually would prefer a plain metal piece without beads. I have picked out two from the site that I like. I also found some lovely clips via a search for amish hair pins (that DLewis...she is just up on it!). Please click the link guys, there is great stuff out there.

I'm loving those combs. I saved that site and I'll have to go through and check off what I don't have.:giggle:
OMG i have that clip(that you posted)

I remember when i didnt have enough hair to use that clip, now i have to much..so i just wasted my money:lachen:

So anyway, another hair care forum has a FANTASTIC thread on these clips,

Theres dfferent pictures, some show the size compared side by side!

The Medium is the 3 on the LOW left corner, and the Large is the 3 on the HIGH right corner. Small is the last 2 on the right side

The THIRD post on this page shows very good comparison with the size!!!

This page on the main Flexi 8 website has a good chart,

I thought I had a large collection.:lachen: You have more than me. I love flexi8. I really need to order some custom larger size. Mwedzi has one.
I stop buying regular store bough clips a long time ago. Those things were breaking like crazy. I still have some that I've had since my high school days and they seem to work a little better for half updos.
I thought I had a large collection.:lachen: You have more than me. I love flexi8. I really need to order some custom larger size. Mwedzi has one.

I didn't know flexi8 made custom clips. Sometimes the x-large is too tight when I'm over 10 weeks post so this is a plus. How do you go about it Dlewis? Do you have to call and ask?

OP: By the looks of your hair you might need a median, but as your hair grows you will need a large so I suggest getting a large for now.
Thanks guys! I ended up buying French Luxe clips :) I will hold off on the Flexi8. I have also decided to keep my original hair Fork from MairzyDozy, I know my hair will get longer, and I will need it soon enough. That sizing video ont he Flexi site had me confused I see, because I was totally going to order a small...
It depends on how much hair you want to put in one. Your hair seems to compress into a pretty small diameter. It looks like you could get your whole ponytail in a medium. If you want to do a ponytail on just half of your hair, you could probably get it in a small. The thing about kinky hair, though, is that it expands. So even if the clip is a little big, it won't slide out. I think medium is best for you.

Sassy, I do have an XXL. It's actually one I'm wearing in my siggy now. They have them already made, they just don't make a ton because it's a fairly rare size needed. Even I don't need it most of the time. That picture is only one of a couple times I've worn it.
So excited!!! I didn't want to start a new thread, but my flexi 8 clips just arrived and I'm really happy!!! I got the medium and the small for half ups. I think I need a large for up do though. Ahhh pj why do you torment me?