What should I get from Oyin and ElysianDreams?


Well-Known Member
Recs for shampoo and conditioner, please :)

My doc told me to go natural, I bought Jason's sea kelp but I hear that is no good. :( However, I'll use it till I get some really Natural stuff...
vevster said:
Recs for shampoo and conditioner, please :)

My doc told me to go natural, I bought Jason's sea kelp but I hear that is no good. :( However, I'll use it till I get some really Natural stuff...

Some people really like Jason's sea kelp, so don't give up on it before you try it! :)

From Oyin:
Grand Poo Bar gets raves

One of my HG conditioners (I use as a leave-in) is Oyin Honey Hemp Conditioner.
Check the Faq at Oyin before you buy. Some items have parabens in it. I think all of qhemet's products are paraben free now. I've been using giovanni magnetic shampoo and conditioner, but this http://www.internatural-alternative-health.com/ingr/ingr199564.cfm is quickly becoming my favorite. I havent tried the conditioner of this brand, but the shampoo is great. The only problem is that it has rosemary and I've read that it mimics estrogen in the body also, but I dont think it is supposed to have as negative an effect as parabens. I mostly conditioner wash, I dont shampoo that often.
oyin funk butter - her deodorant product. become a believer!
tinted lip butter - there is nothing like it!
dont really have hair rec's. the shine and define is cool but it has PARABENS.
*ElleB said:
OT: Y did ur doc tell u to go natural, Vev?
She is an alternative doctor and she advises ALL her patients to eliminate as many toxins as possible. She did mention my hair care so......

I gotta clear out stuff I have been using. I'm doing a use up and go to along w/ organics in my diet etc.
tell me what you get from elysian, i am kind of looking for a moisturizing natural condish. i just bought a big ol bottle of elucence because it was tried and true-i couldnt find a suitable natual alternative in the meantime.

elysian's castile soap looks dreamy!

are you looking for just hair products or body stuff too?

from elysians, try the castile soap.

from oyin, try her whipped shea and funk butter. neither have parabens. an all natural dedorant is a must if you want to eliminate toxins but not be funky :lol:

have you tried carols daughter or qhemet?
ximenia said:

are you looking for just hair products or body stuff too?

from elysians, try the castile soap.

from oyin, try her whipped shea and funk butter. neither have parabens. an all natural dedorant is a must if you want to eliminate toxins but not be funky :lol:

have you tried carols daughter or qhemet?
I just ordered the Funk Butter and the Soap Shampoo... I used to use Carol's Daughter back when she was selling in her Bklyn Brownstone... her products were too heavy for my hair. I'm looking also at Qhmet.