
Well-Known Member
Okay, here's my dilemma...

Since starting my hair journey in January of '09, I stopped bonelaxing my hair and started texlaxing. Hair got healthier and thicker, which I love. :yep: I went from relaxing every 4-5 weeks at the first sign of NG to stretching out my relaxers to maybe 10-12 weeks.

Every so often I would toy with the idea of transitioning to natural (no BC for me) but would get frustrated with the thickness, NG, and dealing with the 3 different textures on my head and texlax. But I do like the thickness/fullness when I do braidouts. BTW, my relaxed ends are 'healthy'... no breakage or anything.

Fast forward to present day... I've inadvertantly been stretching for 20 weeks now without really trying to. :blush: I guess I've been so preoccupied with my pregnancy, and the fact that I'm not working now and don't have to leave the house everyday, I've pretty much been PSing a lot. My siggy pic is the last time I straightened, and that was back in April.

(Long story short) :giggle:.... My question is, what should I do at this point? Should I go ahead and texlax or keep stretching? :ohwell: My hair is a BEAST right now. Even trying to smooth it back into a ponytail with all this NG is a challenge because it's so thick! I guess I need a goal or some direction. :yep: What should I do??? HELP!!
I am of no help here. I hope others will chime in. When I was relaxed, I had just the same dilemmas you're having. The best decision I ever maded for my hair was to cut it off and go natural. Yes I cut if off to one inch just 4 weeks after a relaxer, I couldn't take it anymore, and I felt relieved.
20 weeks is really make or break time when it comes to making the transition decision. Since you've been able to do it such ease until this point, why not keep going? Give your hair a good flat iron session and see if your NG is a little bit more manageable and go from there. That'll be the best way to make your choice, pregnant woman :giggle:
I was in your position last year. I went 6 months without a relaxer during my pregnancy. I had a weak moment after I gave birth and relaxed. I've regretted that decision. I'm currently starting my transition again. I'm 4 months in now. I would have been so much further along if I would have just purchased a half wig or fall (search on this site:http://www.especiallyyours.com/Raquel-Half-Wig.html ). Don't make a decision based out of frustration. Just cowash and put your hair in a wet bun. If you're worried about an upcoming event of some sort, just try to dress up your bun with some makeup and big earrings.

Hope this helps!!!
You're pregnant, your hair is in the best place possible. Full and healthy (pregnant hair rocks!):rocker: I say let it be. I haven't gotten the hang of quoting yet, but like NikkiQ said, give your hair a good flat ironing and see what you have. with 20 weeks down, you're on the road to natural without much of the stress. Find the PS that works and ride it out.

Congrats on the baby BTW. :)
Get some braids (no micros) or a weave until you figure out what you want to do with your hair. I wouldn't relax while pregnant since you may create a hormonal imbalance which may create post-partum shedding when you deliver.
20 weeks is really make or break time when it comes to making the transition decision. Since you've been able to do it such ease until this point, why not keep going? Give your hair a good flat iron session and see if your NG is a little bit more manageable and go from there. That'll be the best way to make your choice, pregnant woman :giggle:

:giggle: Yeah, I think the pregnancy hormones are getting the best of me today because I'm about ready to cry for real!
But regarding the flat ironing... I forgot to mention in my original post that another reason that I think my hair has gotten so much healthier/thicker is that I rarely ever do direct heat. I mean like once every few months I might straighten it out to do a length check but that's about it. So... I don't want to have a setback or mess up my progress by getting back into the habit of flatironing a lot.

I was in your position last year. I went 6 months without a relaxer during my pregnancy. I had a weak moment after I gave birth and relaxed. I've regretted that decision. I'm currently starting my transition again. I'm 4 months in now. I would have been so much further along if I would have just purchased a half wig or fall (search on this site:http://www.especiallyyours.com/Raquel-Half-Wig.html ). Don't make a decision based out of frustration. Just cowash and put your hair in a wet bun. If you're worried about an upcoming event of some sort, just try to dress up your bun with some makeup and big earrings.

Hope this helps!!!

You are so right, and this is what I'm afraid of... relaxing out of frustration and later regretting it. I really don't like wigs/weaves/braids and I miss co-washing on a regular basis. In the past I would co-wash 2-3 times a week, but now I DREAD wetting my hair because it's such a hassle to deal with!
What do you want to do with your hair? If you like to texlax, then do so. Are you undecided because relaxing is not good for pregnant women? Why not keep transitioning until your pregnancy is over? You can put braids in your hair so you won't have to deal with it.:yep:
Get some braids (no micros) or a weave until you figure out what you want to do with your hair. I wouldn't relax while pregnant since you may create a hormonal imbalance which may create post-partum shedding when you deliver.

I didn't even think of this... I guess I haven't relaxed out of sheer laziness! But I AM afraid of the post-partum shedding that everyone talks about, so I'm trying to figure out this: If it's gonna happen, would it be better for my hair to be texlaxed or would having the 3 textures aggravate the shedding even more??
What do you want to do with your hair? If you like to texlax, then do so. Are you undecided because relaxing is not good for pregnant women? Why not keep transitioning until your pregnancy is over? You can put braids in your hair so you won't have to deal with it.:yep:

That's the thing... I have NO IDEA what I want to ultimately do with my hair! Since I've toyed with the idea of transitioning so many times, I keep thinking that I should just go for it since I'm this far in. I tried braids a couple times during the pregnancy and hated them. The first time I had individual braids/extensions, and it was just too dang hot for that mess (kept them in exactly 2 weeks). Then I tried cornrows with extensions going to the back (3 layers). The stylist did the edges and nape way too tight (didn't realize until after I got home) and I could see where the tension pulled hair out (white bulb showing). Kept them in exactly 2.5 weeks. :nono: So, I'm done with braids.
I started using ceremides in my hair and it lays the hair down more smooth. Perhaps you can use some in your hair to help stretch your hair. I wish you the best.
Psst...don't tell anyone I was in here telling you this, lest it become my middle name, but I've heard that S Curl (the spray) makes new growth soft and easy to manage. :poke:
I started using ceremides in my hair and it lays the hair down more smooth. Perhaps you can use some in your hair to help stretch your hair. I wish you the best.

Ceramides... is this something that you add to products like oils or silk amino acids?
Off to do a search... :fan:
I would put in some braids since you are not going out everyday. That way you don't have to deal with it. Sounds like a plan for me too.
If I were you, I would just flat iron the new growth, which would make your hair more manageable and buy you more time to make a decision. Later on, if you decide to transition, you can, becaue you haven't permanently straightened all that new growth with a touchup. Or if you decide to continue texlaxing, you can do that too.

Congrats on the pregnancy!
I would say stretch your relaxer and see. You have stretched for 20 weeks so go for six months and see how you feel. I am stretching and I am texlaxed and I am considering going natural. I will decide by December when I am offically one year post. Also Eco styler olive oil gel works wonders on my hair to lay down the new growth. And since I have been adding wheat germ oil to my dc it is also making my new growth lay down.

Congrats on your pregnancy and give yourself sometime to think about what you want to do with your hair.
I would say stretch your relaxer and see. You have stretched for 20 weeks so go for six months and see how you feel. I am stretching and I am texlaxed and I am considering going natural. I will decide by December when I am offically one year post. Also Eco styler olive oil gel works wonders on my hair to lay down the new growth. And since I have been adding wheat germ oil to my dc it is also making my new growth lay down.

Congrats on your pregnancy and give yourself sometime to think about what you want to do with your hair.

You're right... I need to siddown somewhere til I'm off the pregnancy hormones and in a more rational state of mind. :yep: Gonna pick up some of that wheat germ oil that everyone's been raving about and see if that helps too.
Ok I'm so excited! :drunk:
I went to Vitamin Shoppe and got the wheat germ oil, some raw unrefined honey (never DC'd with honey before), restocked on coconut oil, got some AO HSR condish (only tried the white camelia before), and the AO GBP condish (never tried this either). I tell you what... SOMETHING better work for my hurr! :lachen:
Ok I'm so excited! :drunk:
I went to Vitamin Shoppe and got the wheat germ oil, some raw unrefined honey (never DC'd with honey before), restocked on coconut oil, got some AO HSR condish (only tried the white camelia before), and the AO GBP condish (never tried this either). I tell you what... SOMETHING better work for my hurr! :lachen:

You got quite the ceramide-packed arsenal of products there! Let us know how it went.