what should i do?


New Member
a long time ago.. god had showed me a few things.. it dealt with a issue i was dealing with at the time. it felt good to know that god was listening but i did not have the slightest clue what it meant. still dont.. i figure god was teling me to dont worry hell work things out but i tell u that honestly after god showed me those things everything started to go wrong... everything and this continued for a long time and now im stuck wondering whether or not to still believe or not.. i mean i know i should but i feel like god can u please show me something good now.. after allt his mess. this is my second post in htere today. i guess i have to get it out
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The things GOD shows us, are so numerous to count. We have to just slow down, and realize them.

Are we healthy
Are our bellies full
Do we have shelter
Do we have our faculties................

When you take one step towards GOD, he takes quantum steps towards you.
You can PM, if you like.
If God promised you and showed you things that will come to pass, rest assure that they will. The enemy is just trying to shake your faith because he knows that doubt can delay and ultimately derail the plans that God has outlined for you.

He is just using negative circumstances to get you to doubt. If he can change your mind he can have you wandering in the wilderness for forty years instead of coming to your intended promise land sooner.

So hold on and recite/meditate on scriptures regarding faith. God is faithful, that much I know and believe. Stay close to God in times like these so you can hear him speaking clearly. Be blessed, and know that it will come to pass!
If God promised you and showed you things that will come to pass, rest assure that they will. The enemy is just trying to shake your faith because he knows that doubt can delay and ultimately derail the plans that God has outlined for you.

He is just using negative circumstances to get you to doubt. If he can change your mind he can have you wandering in the wilderness for forty years instead of coming to your intended promise land sooner.

So hold on and recite/meditate on scriptures regarding faith. God is faithful, that much I know and believe. Stay close to God in times like these so you can hear him speaking clearly. Be blessed, and know that it will come to pass!

Janice, your post really blessed me. Thank you for the word.

To the OP, girl start praising God to receive your blessing.
Im glad that it blessed you Shalom, God uses all to edify and encourage one another. Stay encouraged (( hugs n kisses!))