What should I do with this nest???


New Member
Okay...I decided to grow out my perm after severe breakage and thinning. I've been using surge I love it I see the areas where hair was coming out filling back in and the breakage has just about stopped. It has been 12 weeks since my last relaxer and I am still not comfortable with any chemicals at this point especially in the back area of my hair. But my hair is getting thicker and more unattractive with each growing MINUTE!! Any suggestions on how I could style it and minimize the shedding? NO HEAT cornrows maybe? I don't know help a sista out! PLEASE
Heat is NOT a good thing. You may want to try conditioner washes if you don't do so already. Be SURE to keep your hair moisturized.

As for styles, there are always, braids, 2-strand twists, flat twists, updos, cornrows, etc. I have pics on my site that you are welcome to check out and I can suggest some others that you may want to check out as well.

So, you're going natural? Congrats on your decision! How long do you plan to transition?
I am not sure that I am going to go natural for an extended period of time. Right now I am looking to go without a relaxer until August and see how it goes.
I agree with Patience about trying updos, braids, twists, etc. Also, please check out Jessy55's album. She is a natural (4b, I think) and she has step-by-step methods and beautiful ideas for natural hair. It's worth checking out even if you may not go natural. I've learned a lot from her album.
You can also check out www.roshini.net. She's a natural that has a ton of pics AND instructions on various styles as well. I wish you the best. Have some fun with your hair!

ETA: I put down the incorrect link at first. I just fixed it. Sorry about that!!!
I'd definitely get some kind of braided style (you may want to pre-treat the hair if you use synthetic, or you could always use natural hair or just braid up your own) while it grew out some. Be sure to take good care of your hair while in braids and it should really help.