What should I do, Long Distance Relationship?

Umm, yeah....thanks for saving me the trouble of reading, loca.

I really think this is pretty self explanatory, hun.

He's not playing games, he's not bullshytting, he's telling you straight up he doesn't wanna be with you. Not all men are that kind, trust me. :rolleyes:

Time to roll.

word!! if a man really wanted to be with someone, i strongly doubt he would be giving her multiple reasons as to why he should not be in a relationship and selling himself short. the long list of questions you wrote down is too much, the following emails were too etc; for a man who is blatantly looking for an exit, i somehow doubt how these things were going to make him want to work anything out. you two are going around in circles, imo. the length of time you've been together doesn't really count for much if you don't particularly have anything to show for it anymore; you should not use that as a reason to hang in there with him. he made himself explicitly clear from that first email. it's time for you to make your exit.
Umm, I had an ex who was just like that with the same initials..Hmmm....

His middle initial wasn't C...or KC , was it??? I think he had 2 middle names...one he mostly used. Who knows...exaggerating about things was also one of his specialties.

We aren't communicating like we should be. At least that is what I think. I would like to have a long term committment. He states that he talks on the phone at least 6hrs a day at work and that he is tired at night when he comes home. And doesn't want to talk on the phone. I can't think of an alternative to that.

A man that truly loves you wouldn't let anything jeapordize his communication with you. My SO absolutely hates talking on the phone, but he can talk to me on the phone all day. I just think that he is not ready to commit to you or anyone right now. Let him go so the person you are really supposed to be with can come:yep:
Op, by those emails it doesn't seem like a 2 yr LDR to me.....

At the 2 yr mark of my LDR, my SO presented any issues he had with me on the phone, or in person...not that "tell you off through email" crap (which is for teeny-bopper cyber lovrs IMO) It really shows a level of respect. Dude needs to grow up.
Is he too far, whereas you cannot take a trip to speak to him in person? If not, I would show up there and have a face-to-face discussion. Sometimes, its difficult to judge true feelings via text or over the phone.


He lives 4 hours away. I have suggested this last night. Because he keeps telling me that he loves me and just wants us to make things better.

BTW: He is an IT Tech, an actor and model. Sometimes, I think he is played the role of his character for his play on me.
He lives 4 hours away. I have suggested this last night. Because he keeps telling me that he loves me and just wants us to make things better.

BTW: He is an IT Tech, an actor and model. Sometimes, I think he is played the role of his character for his play on me.

why do you continue putting yourself in this mess?

you do know you are allowing this mess to happen to you. Get out of it.

Stop being so scared. When you are scared to lose someone who is not 100% yours that's when you know you have wasted your time investing your all to him.

100% is you being his wife nothing less.
1-lol yea his spelling and grammar DOES suck
2-im not sure if i agree completely w. everyone whos saying cause he said hes not the man for u that he really doesnt want to be w. you. ive said that to guys too but didnt mean it. its either i was pissed or fed up or thought i meant it at the time but really didnt. he DOES sound like he's testing u tho.. big time
3-guy obviously doesnt kno what he wants. i dont think he flat out doesnt want to be w. you. he just sounds confused. like maybe he does but he knows its not gonna work
4-you should def go on the cruise. but i kno its hard. if i was in ur position and i loved him as much as it seems like u love him i might want to change my plans and go to bmore w. him too. i kno its easier said then done but i think he'll respect u more if u stick to ur word and go on the cruise.
5-i think u need to see what else is out there. maybe not completely let go of this guy but slowly start seeing other ppl. it'll help u detach urself and help u realize if u really want to be in this relationship or not.

ITA with everything except the bolded, Go on ur trip and let distance be distance... If your right for each other it will work itself out.
I can relate to this thread on both perspectives. I was in a long distance relationship for five years. The long distance in itself is stressful. But, when you feel that you love this person, you have a tendency to put up with a lot of unnecessary nonsense. That is the perspective of a 25 year old.

But, being 40+ now, I would have to agree with the other ladies. Please move on with your life. If this man was meant to be for you, then the opportunity will present itself in the future. I would focus on other things right now and not waste time pursuing this individual.

As my Pastor said this past Sunday, "God has a plan for each and everyone of us..."

Good Luck and enjoy the cruise!
IT IS OFFICIALLY OVER!!!!!!!!:grin::grin::grin:
I did change my plans. Instead of the cruise I am going to a spa for the weekend and spending time with my friends. We are all going to see Tyler Perry's Marriage Counselor. I have packed his sh$# and he will be receiving it UPS. Thanks for the comments and support, he was such a waste of time. He is even calling me now as I am typing this and left a text stating that he wants to see me. Guess what, his time is up he had ever opportunity to make things right. He will never see me again!!!
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Well I'm glad you made the right decision. I know it's going to be hard, but the good news is that you don't have to worry about running into him anywhere.

And why do these men decide to phone-stalk us when we stand up for ourselves? I don't get it!