What should I do?! I need help!


New Member
Lately my hair has been loosing long strands of hair it doesn't look like it's just little peices that broke off some how.

I'm thinking that maybe I need a protein treatment but when I touch my hair it feels soft and not too mushy.
I think I have been overmoisturizing the ends but, I stopped for a few days and I'm still loosing a lot more hair than I usually do when I comb the hair.

I have been wearing my hair in hair clips a lot lately.
I wanted to use them as a protective style since my hair isn't long enough to make a decent pony or bun. Are the clips causing my hair to shed?

What should I do?:wallbash:

(My hair is relaxed 2weeks post)
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No the clips aren't causing your hair to shed. It just sounds like you're having regular shedding. Humans shed 50-100 hairs a day on average so if you're getting that amount you shouldn't worry. It's not because your hair is overmoisturized, shedding is what hair does. A protein treatment or anything else isn't going to stop it.

If you start getting bald spots, then there may be a problem. Otherwise, you're fine so there's no need to worry.
I agree with MSA...Try stimulating oils on your scalp or add them to your conditioner...I noticed this helps with shedding. (Peppermint, rosemary, tea tree, eucalyptus)
Yea, I agree with the MSA and THick&Fine. Relax, hair sheds as a part of its normal life cycle. If it become excessive, then maybe you should begin to worry.
okay, thanks guys.
It just looks like I'm loosing a lot more than I'm used to. D:
Good thing I'm going to wash my hair this sunday.