What should I advise my friend?


Well-Known Member
Here's a situation that is a bit different. My best friend since school days is in a dilemma. She has always had natural hair. When she was younger, she wanted to perm it.. until she realised that if her hair got wet, it wouldn't dry really straight.:lachen:
Her style back then was pressed hair done in micro twists.

As her hair got longer, she would press it and do micro braids and leave them in for month just redoing the ones that needed it. Her hair grew to about BSL.

She then got tired of her hair and started wearing wigs. She didn't like them and moved on to extensions. This has been her style for a while now and her extensions have to be waistlength to cover her own hair.

She's now sick of doing her extensions because they take so long. I suggested pressing her own hair, but with our weather it wouldn't last. Also she's quite quiet and doesn't like the fuss people make when they see her real hair.

She's now thinking of cutting her hair so she can cut down on the time it takes to do her extensions :blush:

On one hand I completely agreed because if she is going to wear extensions from now on, then cut and she'll have more styling options instead of waistlength braids... But then the LCHFer in me says NOOOOOOOOOO there must be another way!!

Any ideas/suggestions?
You could try to suggest to her that she should keep her long hair and just work with it, or try wearing out her natural hair more often. But then again, you can't force someone to go against their will.:nono: Worth a try though. :yep:
I advise her to cut it. Though this form is particularly biased towards growing longer hair, I lean more towards healthy hair. Besides, pressing and doing those twists/braids for so long, a good, healthy cut to APL would be good for her.

Also, there are methods of pressing/straightening natural hair that doesn't revert immediately. My hair has probably reverted twice since I've been natural. That's due to good hair products and technique. She can have heated styles, but it takes time and practice.