What Products Do You Put on Your Hair When Using the Baggy Method?


New Member
Hey guys,

Im brand new to the board so Im just starting my hair journey. I have been hearing alot about the Baggy Method. Some ladies even bag it during the day under a phony. Can you tell me the products you all use when you bag it?
In the beginning, when I was first starting out, I used vaseline or some kind of hair grease. Now, I use castor oil or sometimes Kemi Oil on the length of my pony before wrapping it up and putting the baggy on. I cover mine with a phony pony or bun and wear it all day. I haven't started baggying at night yet.

Any of the Profective products (break thru, mega growth or healthy ends). Then I rub jojoba oil overtop of that. NO SPLITS!
I use profectiv break free mixed with profectiv healthy ends, then seal with any oil...for now its WGHO before baggying.

At night i sleep with my hair in a shower cap (to stop mtg getting over my precious sheets), so i guess my hair is bagged at night as well
candy1214 said:
Any of the Profective products (break thru, mega growth or healthy ends). Then I rub jojoba oil overtop of that. NO SPLITS!
I love the profective healthy ends sealed w/black castor oil
I spray my ends w/a little White rain conditioner/water spritz. I then use Qhemet's heavy creme & some type of oil or grease-mainly WGO or Africa's Best Gro Strong. I then sometimes spray the baggie w/a little of my spritz but always I add a little oil and cream to the baggie. Many don't lrecommend using more water, but it works for me.
Thanks so much! There are just so many products out there its hard to know what to use! But I see that most use some kind of moisturizer and oil combo. So I will try that.:)