Last night I prepoo'd with Stimugro Chebe oil. I mixed up Karishma Henna with amla, brahmi, tulsi, fenugreek, chebe powder, bay essential oil , warm water and yogurt. I left that on for two hours, rinsed and then shampoo'd with Stimugro Chebe Shampoo. I deep conditioned with CRN Lavender Deep conditioner mixed with Bobeam Cocoa Cream condish, rinsed then applied Taura Amore Leave in lotion and detangled. Twisted up for bed. This morning I ran a little Taura Amore Oil and Butter blend through the twists.
Tonight after my hair fully dries, I'll use Taura Amore Re-moisturize and Butter blend to put in medium-small twists for the week.