What problems have PJism caused you?


New Member
The title is self explainatory.

This thread is dedicated to all the current and past PJ's. The constant urge to try products and buy buy buy. Has it left you with any problems?

My issue is what do you do when you have found multiple things that work and compare so closely in effectiveness and price?
Not to mention the many dollars wasted on the stuff that did not work. (For this reason is why I used to frequent sally's so I could take stuff back).

My fellow PJ's it is time to vent. lol
I have no where to put the stuff that I have not used yet. I am always complaining that I have nothing to wear and no money to buy it with, but some how can eeck out $50 bucks on hairstuuufff easily. :(
I also am running out of space. I don't use the product through to truly figure out my results. I also think it is money that I could be putting to better use as opposed to purchasing every raved product. But for some reason, I have to try them all! HELP!!!! :lol:
My only issue from being a PJ is that my whole hair washing time has increased because I sit around in the shower trying to decide what conditioner out of my stash of about 50 to use.
gymfreak336 said:
My only issue from being a PJ is that my whole hair washing time has increased because I sit around in the shower trying to decide what conditioner out of my stash of about 50 to use.

This & poorness, I cosign! :look:
I have to agree with the not giving one product enough time to see if it works, I be so eager to try something else. jimminy cricketts!
SPACE,SPACE,I get most products half price so that why I bought so much stuff.
To many products,So little time to try them.
I dont think pjism means impatience. I think it mean influence. Mostly from good reviews or appetizing ingredient and packaging sometimes.
I have finally decided to cut back. (Yeah right, since I have my own small BSS! lol) But I am finding things I really like and haven't used because I was always looking for the next best thing.

*I am in reform.*
LABETT said:
SPACE,SPACE,I get most products half price so that why I bought so much stuff.
To many products,So little time to try them.

Same here, its when I start running out room to store everything, that's when I'm like "Houston, we have a problem." :ohwell:
I'm stuck with new, unused products (shampoos, conditioners, and detanglers) that I'm afraid to bring into the salon now, because my stylist told me sternly that I should just use the ones that work best for him and for my hair which is Cream of Nature (moisturizing/detangler formula), Infusium 23 and Motions Moisture Plus.

Now I have to figure out how to use these other products on my hair, which is a dilemma because I have type 4a/b below the bra clasp length hair, and I've never done my hair before.

I guess I'll have to learn how to wash, condition and press, my own hair in order to try these new products instead of wasting them. I'll practice during the three day weekends, so I won't have to rush.

I didn't turn into a product junkie until I stumbled across this hair board. Now that I know my stylist won't use anything that he doesn't recommend, my pjism has ceased permanently.
gymfreak336 said:
My only issue from being a PJ is that my whole hair washing time has increased because I sit around in the shower [B]trying to decide what conditioner out of my stash of about 50 to use.[/quote[]]

i have this problem too, i am also running out of space in my linen closet my hair stuff takes up two long rows. I am having a hard time establishing a regimine(sp?) because its so much to choose from. Not to mention the dent its putting on my bank acct.
I was running out of space until I cut back and started using stuff completely up. Surprisingly, I'm not a poor PJ because most of the stuff I get on sale or bogo. And I totally understand about having "nothing to use" from my stash of 100+ conditioners.
Space issues and so many products but only one head to use it on. :perplexed

I'd ahve to wash my hair everyother day just to give each conditioner, leave in or oil achance to shine on it's own.
I had a cramp in my wallet, and i had run out of space for all my hair products, that's when I put myself on a No PJ challenge for 3 months and used up almost all my stuff, now I just buy something if i think it will work for my hair, but I wait until 1 product is finished 1st. 1 comes it 1 goes out.
I used to buy all sorts of junk I never used. I finally a couple of years ago gave away/threw away everything I didn't use and got back to a small basic stash of beloved things. I am still really into trying new things but I make myself research and make decisions based on that rather than my bird like, "OH SHINY".
The only problem I can think of is storage space. I had to buy a new 6' tall cabinent for the bathroom; it's already full. For me being a PJ has solved, more problems that it created.
Not a problem yet, but it will be if I continue this way....

I used to spend my discretionary income on clothing (I used to be a CLOTHES/FASHION fanatic), but now it's hair products. I don't spend the same amount of money (clothes are more expensive), but I do more shopping for hair products (the internet makes shopping SOOOO easy!).

I know I have to stop because 1.) I don't have space for all these hair products AND all my clothing, 2.) I only have one head of hair, 3.) I need to stop spending money because I have 2 bathrooms to re-model and other household repairs.:ohwell: AND 4.) I have to buy a new vehicle since my beloved Beemer was totalled in a car accident 2 weeks ago.

SIGH...what's a PJ to do? :(
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january noir said:
I know I have to stop because 1.) I don't have space for all these hair products AND all my clothing, 2.) I only have one head of hair, 3.) I need to stop spending money because I have 2 bathrooms to re-model and other household repairs.:ohwell: AND 4.) I have to buy a new vehicle since my beloved Beemer was totalled in a car accident 2 weeks ago.

SIGH...what's a PJ to do? :(

Okay, I felt convicted by your admission on this one. I want to remodel two baths and my kitchen, plus I pay school tuition for three kiddies, yet I spend money on hair products like running water. I'm bad...bad:wallbash:
I have no where to put the stuff that I have not used yet. I am always complaining that I have nothing to wear and no money to buy it with, but some how can eeck out $50 bucks on hairstuuufff easily. :(

that is soooo true...I will FIND the money for some product that I swear up and down that I need ...but Im always complaining how I dont have anything to wear...

this PJ stuff has gotten my priorities twisted.

Edit:...my main problem is hair tools...Ive cut down on products.
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gymfreak336 said:
My only issue from being a PJ is that my whole hair washing time has increased because I sit around in the shower trying to decide what conditioner out of my stash of about 50 to use.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

in my case I prolong getting started on washing my hair just trying to figure out what shampoo out of about 10 to use!!:look: ... yes I have a problem.
Lavendar said:
Okay, I felt convicted by your admission on this one. I want to remodel two baths and my kitchen, plus I pay school tuition for three kiddies, yet I spend money on hair products like running water. I'm bad...bad:wallbash:

:eek: LAWD Lavendar... and I was feeling all pitiful about my situation... You are a phenomenal woman. You DESERVE to treat yourself to a few hair products! You are NOT bad!

Not that I am trying to "enable" you or anything... :lol:
My only problem is space. I am running out of room! My bathroom is filled with stuff. My boyfriend can't stand it. LoL
january noir said:
:eek: LAWD Lavendar... and I was feeling all pitiful about my situation... You are a phenomenal woman. You DESERVE to treat yourself to a few hair products! You are NOT bad!

Not that I am trying to "enable" you or anything... :lol:

God Bless You Miss Noir!!!! I could use a few more things......:lachen: :lachen: