What popular technique did NOT work for you?


New Member
I've tried a lot of techniques on this board and so many have worked wonders, but a few have not.

What techniques have NOT worked for you and why?

For me:

Combing my hair from the ends up was not good for my hair. I could hear the hairs snapping. I tried it wet and dry and I had to stop (with my BIG shower comb too). I belive this is because I have fine hair and it's weakest at the ends. :nono:

Also using cold water for the last rinse seemed like it wasn't good or bad I couldn't notice a difference. Not to mention the cold water got on my nerves! :freakout:I try to use lukewarm to cool water to rinse now.

Cold water rinses-pointless cold shower

adding honey-never again

rollersetting after 3 weeks post- I looked a hot mess and my hair was mad as hellz at me. But 1-3 weeks post it looked nice. Also, I could not imagine doing this for the rest of my life. I would be miserable for the 8 days out the month I would rollerset. Its not that serious.
-Sealing with oil. It only weighed my hair down, and my hair got dirtier faster. It doesn't help me retain moisture any longer than when I use moisturizer only.

-Towel-drying hair before applying the conditioner. I always thought your were supposed to do that, but it's easier to rinse the conditioner out of my hair when I apply conditioner on wet hair.

-Baggying wet hair. Didn't really cause breakage, just took too long to dry.
:wallbash: ACV rinse= Hard, tangled, matted mess

:nono: Air drying= Hard, Dry, frizzy mess

:perplexed EVOO= Hard, Dry, greasy mess
Detangling in the shower. Loss a lot of hair. Just recently started detangling/combing hair when dry or slightly damp only. Saves a lot of hair and co-washing time.
Oil rinsing. To be honest i only tried it once, but i think it was a disaster, it didn't do anything special for my hair and it was too much effort for nothing according to my hair.

My hair is happy with my normal routine.
Airdrying my natural hair! Oh my good I looked like I had been in a cat fight and the cat won! My hair was standing up in a ponytail like "what happened?"

Using MTG - I was having weird dreams! That sulfur was affecting my brain. I just hope there is no long term damage.

MSM - Why did I ever try that MESS? I swear it had me on a 10 day cycle and gave me headaches!

Some all natural shampoo - can't remember the name of that mess, but I was like Oh no never again, my hair smelled a lot like boo boo.

Keep in mind that this was over a three year span of time. Sometimes you give in and say "let me try that". Now I stick to my routine and my hair loves me - and it smells like flowers, not doo doo.
Baggying: made ends brittle not moisturized; didn't try long enough
Co-washing: did it twice a week for 2 months when I was solidifying my regimen in mid-2007; too much manipulation for my texlaxed hair
coconut milk- tangles galore
oil prepoo - greasy mess
cold final rinses
rollersetting upwards

No EVOO for me thank you.
Regarding other oil preepoos though, what worked for me was spritzing my hair with some water before applying the oil and wear a heating cap. That's how I do my pre-poos overnight with Amla. Otherwise it feels dry with little beads of oil on it.
Roller Setting..blow out roots then saran wrap for me equals broken hairs and splits everywhere....comes out a mess :nono: Saran wrap only works for me for deep conditioning treatments

Air drying any style other than a natural fro' spells disaster

baggying...wet hair just makes my scalp itchy and keeps me with a runny

Wash 'n' go is wash and hell no
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Stretching= Breakage and hair loss. I cannot go past 10, 11wks....my hair hates it and it acts out :freakout:

Hello Hydration conditioner :nono: My hair smelled good, but it was hard to comb, I ended up using some of my beloved Lekair.
The following does not work for my hair:
--ACV rinse as a clarifyier (Afterwards, I still had to use a clarifying poo.)
--aloe vera gel on wet hair (My hair became a tangled mess.)
--cold water rinses (no change noted)
--baggiyng wet hair (My hair took too long to dry.)
--detangling under shower stream with a shower comb (I do this but use my fingers instead of the comb--works much better for me.)
--stretching too long (My hair becomes matted. So, I just relax every 8 weeks so that me and my hair are happy!)
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Wow, thanks for all the replies! Hair is so varied it's amazing how so much works for some and not others.

For a while I was trying everything I read about, but now I stop & think before I try something new. I was on the bandwagon to everything!

I bought coconut milk and now I'm skerred to use it! LOL
-Oil rinsing :nono: Made my hair and tub a greasy mess

-Cold water rinsing... I never saw a difference, so why freeze my butt off when it's not yielding results?
*MN-my hair started shedding like crazy!!!! I called my sis, she's a pharmacist, for a medical antedote; she laughed her a#% off at me.:lachen:

*Using cold water as final rinse-my hair was hard with no increase in shine and I would shiver for a solid mintue afterwards.:nono:
Detangling w/ a head full of conditioner...

I lose too much hair this way (took me 3 years to get the hint :nono:)

Using Amla oil as a prepoo-some kind of way it causes ridiculous shedding for me. Love how it made my hair extra dark though.
There are so many :lachen:but I'll narrow it down to:

Oil Rinsing - didn't do a thing but make my hair greasy
Baggying - couldn't keep the 'bag' on my head throughout the night
Suave Humectant - a waste of my $2
Giovanni Direct leave in - didn't help w/ detangling
MTG - left my hair a stinky mess
Aveda SI - didn't do anything special and costs way more than my KC Hydrating & Detangling Poo (<---love this stuff)
All things indian!!!
My hair completely rejected the indian products even when instrucitons were followed EXACTLY. I got major shedding and a dry coated head of hair.

Stretching beyond 8 weeks. Once again I get major shedding...

It's a wonder I still have hair on my head!!!

Lesson learned. Keeping it simple DOES work...
Oil rinses...maybe my hair just hates oil. Infact, oil all together. My hair doesn't like Castor oil, coconut oil, jababoa, alma...none of it. Everytime I use it it's like :buttkick:

The only oily my hair does seem to like is shea butter. :lick: And I have tried that is a liquid form yet...

Most of the techniques I have learned on LHCF have worked for me...most of the time what doesn't work or needs tweaking is the products.