What part of your regimen are YOU slacking on?


Well-Known Member
I cannot bring myself to DC with heat:wallbash:. I have some Aubrey's Honeysucle Rose on right now w/ a plastic cap:yep:. I am doing chores, walking all around, doing everything but sitting myself under the dryer:lachen:

If I could commit to sitting under the dryer, I think I could get better results in the long run:look:.

What part of your regimen are you slacking on?
im slacking on sticking to a set of staples. i have some staples but i love buying products so i alway use something different every week.

as for you, you are lucky because AO HSR is one of those conditioners that work great with and without heat.
im slacking on sticking to a set of staples. i have some staples but i love buying products so i alway use something different every week.

as for you, you are lucky because AO HSR is one of those conditioners that work great with and without heat.

:lachen: You got a good point there- guess I won't feel so guilty.

I can't help you with PJ'ism as I am trying to heal myself of the same thing:nono:, but you know what- how could you have found your staples if it wasn't for trying new things.
I slack with staying away from heat. Its like I love my hair so much and it saddens me when I have to put it up in a bun...its like I'm saying good bye to it. LOL! :lachen: I just like wearing it down all the time.:look:
I slack with staying away from heat. Its like I love my hair so much and it saddens me when I have to put it up in a bun...its like I'm saying good bye to it. LOL! :lachen: I just like wearing it down all the time.:look:

It does look really pretty down:yep:, I mean umm, Bun it up! Join the Bun Challenge thoset ladies are not playing.....they can help keep you in line.
I need to steam more often, do cardio and drink water.
I havent been taking my multi vit, chlorophyll, silica & fish oil.
I'll try again today.
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I cannot bring myself to DC with heat:wallbash:. I have some Aubrey's Honeysucle Rose on right now w/ a plastic cap:yep:. I am doing chores, walking all around, doing everything but sitting myself under the dryer:lachen:

If I could commit to sitting under the dryer, I think I could get better results in the long run:look:.

What part of your regimen are you slacking on?

:lachen: Why when I read the thread title, I immediately thought "DCing with heat." I was DCing with some Aubrey's HR today too, and I wanted to watch Gossip Girl instead of sitting under the dryer (I can't hear anything when the dryer's on).
water and vitamins.

I am good with everything else though

*walks to fridge and pulls out bottle of water*

I am not really slacking in any area but I tend to get over zealous which is just as bad. I could do better with daily moisture especially on my ends though.
DCing with heat too. I feel like that time I spend just sitting there could be used for other more productive things.

If I DC'd I probably would have much more progress with my hair.
Dcing with heat i have to much to do besides sitting under a dryer,not fun at all.
Thanks for sharing ladies! It is so funny that we all struggle in different areas.
Scalp massages.....I never do them
I could do better in this area too. Doesn't look like this is holding you back, your hair is amazing.

i'm slacking on having a regimen period...i need to work on that
Try to focus on just 1 thing, when you are consistently doing that 1 thing you can move on to adding in different steps.

water and vitamins.

I am good with everything else though

*walks to fridge and pulls out bottle of water*

See, this inspired you to drink some good ol' water:yep:

Me toooooo!!!!!!:nono:

Drink up Jess:lick:.

I am not really slacking in any area but I tend to get over zealous which is just as bad. I could do better with daily moisture especially on my ends though.
You are such a nut:spinning:

internal, sleeping with a headtie and lately... bunning.
That is so funny that is the one thing that I always do. Tonight hopefully
you'll sleep with it.

I was being a bit lazy on moisturizing for a couple of weeks but I'm back on top of things now.

i can't tell you the last time i tied my hair before bed
Tonight is gonna be the night you tie your hair up:yep:.
Okay, from the looks of it, I am in good company......I knew I could not be the only one slacking on DC'ing w/ heat. Whew.

DC. I hate to pull out the heating cap.

:lachen: Why when I read the thread title, I immediately thought "DCing with heat." I was DCing with some Aubrey's HR today too, and I wanted to watch Gossip Girl instead of sitting under the dryer (I can't hear anything when the dryer's on).

DCing with heat too. I feel like that time I spend just sitting there could be used for other more productive things.

If I DC'd I probably would have much more progress with my hair.

Dcing with heat i have to much to do besides sitting under a dryer,not fun at all.