What Others Thought About My New Look (VENT)

Pooh as I'm sure you already know there are always gonna be people who don't like something and gotta complain. Alot of people just don't like change. You look beautiful and so does your hair. You can't please everyone so only worry about pleasing yourself. Sounds like you got yourself a good man.
divine said:
I can't wait for your to grows long, thick, healthy, and beautiful. All of them are going to be feeling your hair and talking about how good it looks. Don't take offense, but your dad has mad issues. I don't know how I would act if my dad tried me like that, but i'm blessed that my dad never liked my hair relaxed.

LOVE, PEACE, AND SOUL............
I can't wait to grow my hair longer either... not for them, but for ME!!! :yay:

And yes, he does have mad issues. Everyone thinks he's Bipolar. :lol:
Ashee said:
Brush your shoulders off Pooh & keep it moving...
Those who don't like it will be up under your butt when your hair looks versitile like Halle Berry's.....
Whatever Man!! :look:
I can see my sister now doing that! :grin:
LaNecia said:
Sorry to hear that...those opinions don't matter in the least. As long as YOU are happy with it (and your sweetie)...the rest will simply have to live with your decision, like it or not.

Personally, I think it's really cute! :yep:
Thanks a bunch!!! :)
brownhaired_bonanza said:
Poohbear, your hair looks great! I'm sure you'll be rocking the look this summer. :)
Yep. And summer is the season when hair supposedly grows the fastest! :woot:
webby said:
I know I'm all late, but I cannot BELIEVE YOUR DADDY SAID THAT :mad:
Pooh, I have so much respect for you and other ladies, who buck up against corpoprate america and wear your hair natural. :up:
You keep your head up and keep representing who YOU are, not who your daddy wants you to.
I knew he would say something of this nature; I know how he is... He's just so ignorant and set in his ways...

I don't have a job right now (my accounting internship ended April 15th). I can't wait to sport my hair once I get a full-time accounting job (that's if I want to go into public accounting) which will be after I graduate with my MBA (December 2006).

I will continue to keep my head up and not let my father have his way. :antlers:
Pooh I have a few sista friends who are in the accounting field (2 who are CPA's) and outta all of us I'm the only one with relaxed hair! One wears dreads, 2 twa's and 1 who rotates between braids and twists. We don't look white and we're all successful. Ignore the negativity and keep doing your thing!
simplycee said:
Pooh as I'm sure you already know there are always gonna be people who don't like something and gotta complain. Alot of people just don't like change. You look beautiful and so does your hair. You can't please everyone so only worry about pleasing yourself. Sounds like you got yourself a good man.
Thanks. Plus, I never try to please people. See, my dad, sister, and brother are all about pleasing others. I could care less whether someone likes me or not. That's not my problem.
My boyfriend, we've been together since December 2002 (broken up a few times but we still love each other). ;)
Pooh I have a few sista friends who are in the accounting field (2 who are CPA's) and outta all of us I'm the only one with relaxed hair! One wears dreads, 2 twa's and 1 who rotates between braids and twists. We don't look white and we're all successful. Ignore the negativity and keep doing your thing!
Can you talk to my dad and show him how not all professional black women relax their hair? :D
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You look hot,girl! I cannot believe your father said that to you. Im sorry. My parents just saw mine the other day and loved. My dad was like,"its about time you cut that colored mess out off" One day your hair will be long and strong and thick and they will all be jealous. Brush it off.
I cant believe your dad said that to you. :eek: Pooh, Congrats on doing the BC, you have given me the extra push I needed to go through w/ doing my BC in June. You look fabulous w/ your twa, and dont let other folks ignorance keep you from your goals. Im sure I will get alot of flack, but what the hey.
Anywho, keep rocking that twa w/ confidence you doing it well. ;)
When I had my hair straw set, giving the appearance of much shorter, curly hair, a gentleman mentioned to me that it was a "bold" move (assuming I had cut my hair to that length). I assumed his comment to mean he noticed my confidence but maybe I was being optimistic. I agree with what someone said earlier. Nevermind the comments, I think people are more surprised by the drastic change as opposed to being displeased with the final result.

Give them some time to get used to it. You didn't just wake up one morning and decide to chop your relaxed ends off. You have been transitioning for some time, exploring your options, gaining support from others, basically bracing yourself before making your final decision. Your family members had that here-today-gone-tomorrow bomb dropped on them (for lack of a better analogy).

Please accept my support/encouragement. In life you have to take the good with the bad. I can't wait for you to post more GOOD news about your journey.
landakaye said:
You look hot,girl! I cannot believe your father said that to you. Im sorry. My parents just saw mine the other day and loved. My dad was like,"its about time you cut that colored mess out off" One day your hair will be long and strong and thick and they will all be jealous. Brush it off.
That's great that you have supportive parents. I know my mom will be supportive once she sees my hair. :yep:
LookieLoo said:
I think your short natural hair looks cute. :) You look just like Lisa Gay Hamilton!

You think so?


She looks kinda mean though. :lol:
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chellee said:
When I had my hair straw set, giving the appearance of much shorter, curly hair, a gentleman mentioned to me that it was a "bold" move (assuming I had cut my hair to that length). I assumed his comment to mean he noticed my confidence but maybe I was being optimistic. I agree with what someone said earlier. Nevermind the comments, I think people are more surprised by the drastic change as opposed to being displeased with the final result.

Give them some time to get used to it. You didn't just wake up one morning and decide to chop your relaxed ends off. You have been transitioning for some time, exploring your options, gaining support from others, basically bracing yourself before making your final decision. Your family members had that here-today-gone-tomorrow bomb dropped on them (for lack of a better analogy).

Please accept my support/encouragement. In life you have to take the good with the bad. I can't wait for you to post more GOOD news about your journey.
Thanks for your support and encouragement! :)
You look great. I give you lots of credit because it was a bold move and it looks great. who cares what anyone thinks as long as you are happy with it.
Poohbear said:
The only person that likes my hair is my boyfriend. I love him.

Most of you LHCF ladies love my hair. Thank you! :kiss:

My mother hasn't seen it yet. She's real cool and probably won't have a problem with it at all. Sunday, she even offered to cut my relaxed ends off for me! :shocked: But I told her I would probably cut it off after church, which I did! :grin:

My brother said I jacked up my hair.

One of my cousins said "Awww man! You better grow that back."

My sister said "I can't believe you did it! You're so brave! You have a dike hair cut now."

My dad: "WHOA! Your hair looks awful! Why did you do that, Pooh? You need to go back to relaxers."
I told him that "My hair does not look awful and the relaxed hair was breaking off so I cut it. I wanted to stop using relaxers and go natural. I like my natural hair and I'm happy with it."
He says "No one cares about that! You're suppose to look white...especially since you're gonna be an accountant!"

Isn't that sad!!!! and ignorant for him to think that!!!!! :ohwell: And does he know I do not care what other people think? Especially if I'm not doing anything wrong. But I don't care about their comments. As long as I'm happy with it, that's all that matters.

LMAO.....that made me spit out my drink. Isn't that something coming from your own father.....Hmmmmm.

Anyway.....boys, and men in general seem to prefer women with long hair or with lots of hair fullstop. When I cut my hair a few years back my father took one look at me and said you better go and grow it back because now you look like a boy:lol: Oh well......can't please everyone.......so please yourself!
Oh Pooh. I am sooooo sorry to hear the negative feedback. Some people still think that good hair comes in one length and texture. No worries. You will prove them wrong. Plus, your hair is healthy and strong now.
Pooh, girl, you look gorgeous. But, you don’t even need my verification…you know that you look and feel good and that is all that matters.
I “snuck” and did my BIG CHOP because so many people were negative and could not understand. With the exception of my father, no one has had anything extremely negative to say. I guess daddies just like to see their little girls with long pigtails, no matter what our age.
When my dad saw my hair, he tried to be a smart butt and say “Since you cut your hair like a man, I am going to let mine grow like a woman. I’m gonna get me an ‘Al Sharpton’.” I just gave him an equally silly response and informed him “Well, you can have my old hand dryer and curlers!”
Sorry to hear about the negative reactions you received from your family. :( As long has you’re happy with your new look, that's all that matters. Don't let other people's self-hatred affect how you view yourself. IMO some black people can be less accepting of our hair than people of other races, which is so sad :nono:
So, I agreee with the other ladies...shake those haters off and keep it pushing ;)
Well, considering you chopped with sheer and utter quickness, I'm SURE you handled yourself very appropriately with them. You gotta laugh sometimes though. I mean, why is our hair anyone else's business??? If people would just worry about their own "issues", this world would be a much easier place on which to live. Sheesh.
It's not about how they feel it's about how you feel. It's your hair!

My cousin (a male) went through something similar to this. He decided to loc his hair. Everyone on his mother’s side of the family (which includes me...I helped him maintain his locs) thought that locs complemented his personality, face, etc. He looked like that guy in TigerLily's siggy. The girls loved it.

However, the people on his dad's side of the family didn't. They called it nappy and other names that they had to stop themselves from saying at times because they knew that it was too harsh...including his grandfather. My cousin really loved having loc's. As his loc's grew longer, those same people continued to asked him when is he going to cut them. He's a strong person he usually told them about themselves and what his loc’s meant to him. They still didn’t like locs. However, they never asked him that question the same way again each time they had more and more respect.

Well...can you believe two of those people finally got there wish(well they think that they got their wish) and they cut his hair off themselves. My cousin had one year left in college at that time and they told him that no one would hire someone with locs. However, the company he was already working for hired him with locs...and that same company already wanted him to stay when he graduated locs and all and get paid top salary.

When he returned to work everyone was bummed that he cut his locs(all races). They missed the locs. Like I said my cousin is a strong person they (family) didn't win over him, because he had already made a decision to cut his locs off without telling. As a matter of fact, when the locs grew shoulder length he told me that he is going to cut the locs off before he's graduates in order to start a new beginning. Cutting his long locs made him feel free and represented a new beginning it had nothing to do with what they thought about his hair.

PB, people loved his loc's because he loved his locs...that's what you have to do.
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Hi Poohbear,
You are a beautiful woman and now you have gorgeous hair to compliment. I am still relaxing mainly because my hubby is not with me going natural, but I think forums like this will bring him around. All of you ladies are an inspiration.
I am new to the forum by the way. Been lurking for a couple of months. Your big chop brought me out!... :)
lisajames96 :cool:
tru_mind said:
It's not about how they feel it's about how you feel. It's your hair!

My cousin (a male) went through something similar to this. He decided to loc his hair. Everyone on his mother’s side of the family (which includes me...I helped him maintain his locs) thought that locs complemented his personality, face, etc. He looked like that guy in TigerLily's siggy. The girls loved it.

However, the people on his dad's side of the family didn't. They called it nappy and other names that they had to stop themselves from saying at times because they knew that it was too harsh...including his grandfather. My cousin really loved having loc's. As his loc's grew longer, those same people continued to asked him when is he going to cut them. He's a strong person he usually told them about themselves and what his loc’s meant to him. They still didn’t like locs. However, they never asked him that question the same way again each time they had more and more respect.

Well...can you believe two of those people finally got there wish(well they think that they got their wish) and they cut his hair off themselves. My cousin had one year left in college at that time and they told him that no one would hire someone with locs. However, the company he was already working for hired him with locs...and that same company already wanted him to stay when he graduated locs and all and get paid top salary.

When he returned to work everyone was bummed that he cut his locs(all races). They missed the locs. Like I said my cousin is a strong person they (family) didn't win over him, because he had already made a decision to cut his locs off without telling. As a matter of fact, when the locs grew shoulder length he told me that he is going to cut the locs off before he's graduates in order to start a new beginning. Cutting his long locs made him feel free and represented a new beginning it had nothing to do with what they thought about his hair.

PB, people loved his loc's because he loved his locs...that's what you have to do.
That's so rude and cruel for them to cut off his locs. :mad:

I would be mad if my dad tried to put a relaxer in my hair.