what natural protein do yo use??


Well-Known Member
well i need some protein. im using too much jherri juice and my hair feels mushy :nono: but i dont have the money to go buy some fancy protein condish so i was wondering what are some natural proteins with food. i need a lot so i was wondering instead of mixing egg with mayo and EVOO could i just use pure egg? or even egg and molasses mix??
I use two eggs, mayonnaise,olive oil and vanilla yogurt (makes it smell really good:lick:)
I do this weekly because I cowash daily and my hair always feels great afterwards!
I'm pretty sure you can use eggs, mayo, and yogurt as a prepoo. I've never tried it, I always do it after I wash my hair.
once every couple months, i do an egg, molasses or honey and oil pre poo. makes it feel nice and skrong.