What length am i at?

i havent been paying attention to my hair length all summer and i barely did anything with it and i decided to see what length it is from the back ( i always judge by the length of the sides) and i was surprised how long it got, i have past brastrap but im not sure where i am esp becuz my sides are only around an inch past APL, anyway my hair is REALLY puffy and wavy in these pics ( humid evening here) so i really had to physically stretch the hair to get its full length,,, what would you judge my length to be? ( so sorry for the extremely poor quality pics, i used a 1.3 mpixel cell phone cam YUCK)
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I'd call it midback, although since you say it's shrunken up b/c of humidity, you're probably close to waist length when fully straightened. Looks great :grin:
you have some gorgeous hair and I am in agreement with the other ladies.. MBL shooting for waist length:yep:
Thank you so much guys, at least now ive got a name for it, i find this stage awkward ( well i find all stages for my hair awkward) and my goal is to have full waist length since the sides are just a bit past APL,im not all one length ovbiously but im aiming for ALL waist ,, maybe in year and half.....
Yeah it looks mid-back, close to waist-length. Girl your hair is beautiful!

It's humid here too and my hair is looking a hot mess. I should take a pic so yall can laugh, lol.
Thank you so much guys, at least now ive got a name for it, i find this stage awkward ( well i find all stages for my hair awkward) and my goal is to have full waist length since the sides are just a bit past APL,im not all one length ovbiously but im aiming for ALL waist ,, maybe in year and half.....

If you wait a year and a half for the APL length hair to get to waist the rest will be almost CL!!!!!:yep:
I agree with the others...past MBL and almost at waist! Your hair looks WONDERFUL! You're doing a great job! :drunk: What is your regimen?
Yayyy!, now i feel more confident than ever that i can reach waist length, i havent had hair this long in more than 10 yrs , since my first relaxer at 15, then it all went downhill and i had short then shorter then shorter ever since till LHCF:grin:
Yeah it looks mid-back, close to waist-length. Girl your hair is beautiful!

It's humid here too and my hair is looking a hot mess. I should take a pic so yall can laugh, lol.
Thanx Pokahontas LOL,, o boy that humidity hair is scary i know,, and its always happening to me OUTSIDE and im pretty sure i look half insane half the time lol
It looks like past MBL, almost WSL. Your hair is very thick and pretty. I also like the pic of Roder Federer in your siggy.