What kind of ingredient is this?


New Member
I've gone through a lot of products and have never seen this ingredient: Dow Corning 2078 fluid. On the Dow Corning site they note this ingredient is "a new technology for African American hair."

Anyone heard of this or used a product with this in it?
U said it. I was just about to say RUN!!! Dow corning makes synthetic products, right? Do u think its some kind of silicone? Where's Gymfreak? Lol
:nono::nono::nono::nono: now all of a sudden, they wanna treat OUR hair...what bout theirs? I can see it now...i use the stuff and wind up lookin like dat dude off beetlejuice...memba him....dude sprinkled da dust on his head and it shrunk??? whateva....i'll stick to my horse product.....MT
I remember Dow Corning from my white collar crime class. If i remember correctly Dow Corning was sued because of leaking breast implants.
My aunt used to use a product called, "Da Bomb!" :lachen: She raved and raved over the product, which I found out was like a lubricant/hair sheen. It really did make her hair super shiny and I found out the ingredients were Mink oil and Dow Corning fluid. Wish I knew exactly what that ingredient is. :perplexed:
U said it. I was just about to say RUN!!! Dow corning makes synthetic products, right? Do u think its some kind of silicone? Where's Gymfreak? Lol

I think it is some kind of silicone. I was looking at a product and saw Dow Corning fluid and I just couldn't figure it out. Dow Corning makes hair ingredients? It's odd.
I think it is some kind of silicone. I was looking at a product and saw Dow Corning fluid and I just couldn't figure it out. Dow Corning makes hair ingredients? It's odd.

That's odd to me, too. Its almost like its some type of by-product that they figured out could possibly be used in hair products then marketed it to beauty companies and once everyone but a black beauty company or ethnic division of a major company decided to add it to their products, Dow figured it was ok to say that it was an ingredient used for black hair care or whatever. Huge run-on sentence and just my conspiracy theory :look: Have u checked the FDA site?
Just goes to show you that folks can be convinced to put just about anything on their heads.

I wouldn't use it, even if I knew exactly what it was.
Kids, Dow has been formulating this stuff for MANY years.
It is probably in what you have in your cabinets right now.

Don't freak out. This is what they do.
Kids, Dow has been formulating this stuff for MANY years.
It is probably in what you have in your cabinets right now.

Don't freak out. This is what they do.

That's what I was thinking, many people are saying they would never use it and they probably already have! Especially if they are a PJ. I also don't see the problem with it being marketed to help AA, it's actually nice to see. They know our hair can get brittle and break easily so why not market this silicone to us. I don't see them doing anything out of the ordinary compared to other companies. I would like to know what products contain this cone actually.
As a PJ, if this is in anything I have, I've never seen it labeled as such. I don't know, I just get kinda irked when I see things "marketed" specifically toward Blacks in general. In a lot of instances (not saying all), they're sub-par products that may only provide temporary fixes. I don't like the commercial black hair care market anyway, so I definitely have a bias opinion.

And see why we need you around here, Samanthajones? :look:
As a PJ, if this is in anything I have, I've never seen it labeled as such. I don't know, I just get kinda irked when I see things "marketed" specifically toward Blacks in general. In a lot of instances (not saying all), they're sub-par products that may only provide temporary fixes. I don't like the commercial black hair care market anyway, so I definitely have a bias opinion.

And see why we need you around here, Samanthajones? :look:

Yeah I can see that now, I guess if the products that were already marketed to us wasn't mostly garbage this wouldn't bother us. The fact that they put low quality ingredients in our products makes some a bit skeptical. ITA, I don't care for the commercial black hair care products either, most of it is rubbish.
Dow Corning is or used to be a subsidiery(sp?) of DuPont...they make chemicals products.. I would stay far, far away from this product
It is a silicone.

A while back someone posted a pdf about this and even a video they used to show it helps as a heat protectant.
Aminopropyl phenyl trimethicone

That is all kinds of products. It may be in some things you already own.
That's what I was thinking, many people are saying they would never use it and they probably already have! Especially if they are a PJ. I also don't see the problem with it being marketed to help AA, it's actually nice to see. They know our hair can get brittle and break easily so why not market this silicone to us. I don't see them doing anything out of the ordinary compared to other companies. I would like to know what products contain this cone actually.

I wouldn't say I would never use it. Part of my hesitancy has to do with the way the ingredient is named -- I'm used to seeing silicone, dimethicone, things ending in -cone, but I can't remember ever seeing an ingredient named quite like this one.

It's in some of Coppola Keratin Complex smoothing products. I was looking up the Coppola Keratin Replenisher which is supposed to infuse keratin proteins and emollients into the hair. I would like to know what other products/brands contain this Dow ingredient or any of the other new ingredients Dow Corning has listed on their site as being created for ethnic hair.
I wouldn't say I would never use it. Part of my hesitancy has to do with the way the ingredient is named -- I'm used to seeing silicone, dimethicone, things ending in -cone, but I can't remember ever seeing an ingredient named quite like this one.

It's in some of Coppola Keratin Complex smoothing products. I was looking up the Coppola Keratin Replenisher which is supposed to infuse keratin proteins and emollients into the hair. I would like to know what other products/brands contain this Dow ingredient or any of the other new ingredients Dow Corning has listed on their site as being created for ethnic hair.

Thanks, I'm going to look these up. Have you ever tried them?
I wonder if it's that 'beantree' stuff - I can't remember who manufactures it, but it's some sort of silicone that started appearing in 'natural' products, when there is no such danngone thing as a 'beantree'. :rolleyes:


Most of the chemicals in your hair products could be made by Dow - they just haven't come up with a 'pretty' name for this one yet.
beetle juice, beetle juice, beetle juice

:nono::nono::nono::nono: now all of a sudden, they wanna treat OUR hair...what bout theirs? I can see it now...i use the stuff and wind up lookin like dat dude off beetlejuice...memba him....dude sprinkled da dust on his head and it shrunk??? whateva....i'll stick to my horse product.....MT