What kind of hair dryer do you use? Does it matter?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
I just use a cheapie hair dryer I got from the drugstore. I think it's by clairol. I'm wondering, though, if the more expensive models are worth it? Do they really make a difference in your hair? If you think so, please share what kind of hair dryer you use . . .

(BTW, I mean handheld dryers, not the ones you sit under :grin: )

Hand held or Dome dryers produce what you need and that is heat. Some have higher heat watts than others.That will often determine the price. Ionic dryers are reported to better for the hair. If you are getting the results that you are looking for in your less expensive dryer, then you have a good deal. :)

I got an ionic dryer at the end of last year, and it's definitely made a difference. My hair is smoother, dries faster, and seems to hold more moisture than when I use the conventional dryer.
I just bought an FHI from Ulta that uses ceramic and tourmaline technology, and I must say that my hair is retaining moisture much better since I started using it than when I was using my old $20 Conair. I don't get frizz anymore, and that's what makes it worth it for me. However, I am a big fan of not spending hefty amounts of money if what you have is working well for you. If your hair comes out the way you want it to with the dryer you have, I say stick with it!