What kind of damage, if any, can I expect? Ayurveda ladies


New Member
yesterday morning I put mustard oil on my scalp & sat under heat cap for 40 mins.... then I put my tea rinse on as usual & put my plastic cap on and meant to leave it on all day and to wash it out last night.... well I fell asleep... its been on nearly 24 hours.... Im gonna rinse my hair with water in the shower in a few mins...

Im not expecting immediate breakage.. but Im worried what will buildup of Ayurvedic products do?? Im hoping since most of it is food quality, I should be OK.... wasnt on long enough to mold or smell or anything
Passionfruit, I'm not familiar with the Mustard seed oil effects. But I do know that the natural quality of Ayurvedic strengthens, so hardness usually is an after effect. I wouldn't try to come it immediately, I would rinse and go into a serious deep condition mode. Let the conditioner soften your hair and let it become more manageable before you do anything. I'll usually do a quick conditioner for about 15 mins and then a deep condish/cholesterol and sit under the dryer.
