What is your Wash/Co-wash day and why?

I usually cowash every three days. Deep condition twice a week. And shampoo once a month.

I find that I can't go more than 3-4 days without wetting my hair because the roots get too tangled.
I only wash my hair with a "poo" once a month, so for the remaining weeks, I co-wash weekly, on a Wed or Thurs, it depends. For the winter months, I start off my doing a "HOT" for about 45, then I just hop in the shower, rinse it out, and co-wash with Trader Joes' Balancing conditioner. Does wonders for my hair! I usually DON'T have to put any other product in my hair after getting out the shower. Maybe just a little bit of my shea butter whip blend and then I just style--->usually to always a twistout.
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Co-wash either on Tuesday or Wednesday depending on how my hair feels (or if I feel like it) & I alternate between co-wash & wash on Saturdays every other weekend. I only clarify once a month. This is my regi now since I wear my hair wrapped underneath my wig. When I'm working out I co-wash every couple of days (depending on my workout days) during the week then wash on Saturdays.
80 prevent if the time, I'm washing on Sunday afternoon. It gives me enough time to pre-poo, detangle, do protein and moisture treatment AND roller set. I hardly ever cowash in the winter unless my scalp gets really itchy. But in the summer when I can do a braid out and dry fully overnight, I would cowash on Wednesday.
no schedule. i just wash 2x a week. i fit it in when i can. i might do it late at night, early in the morning, etc.... whenever time permits.
I do a DC'ing pre-poo on Friday night. Then, I will shampoo, condition, and detangle on Saturday morning. Then, I will let my hair airdry (stretched) all day Saturday and set my hair for a style (bantu knot out or braid out) on Saturday night. This way my hair is freshly done for church on Sunday and it'll last the entire week. :yep:
I wash on Wednesdays and straighten on Fridays..I choose those days because I work from home and I have more time
I will go first:

My co-wash days are Tuesday and Saturday evenings. Tuesday is the only weeknight I don't have some educational/recreational class to attend and I detangle during my Saturday evening or Sunday morning co-washes so I chose a time I would not feel rushed.

My wash & condition is on Thursday evenings after swimming lessons. I have a nice swim cap that keeps my hair fairly dry, when I wear it right, but I put my wash day then just in case my hair ever gets wet.

This has completely changed as my life schedule has changed :lol:

What a difference a few months make? :lol:

Co-wash Wednesday and Fridays; wash on Sundays.