What is your relaxer stretch shedding point?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies... I am newly relaxed and I was wondering if you all could tell me at what point did you have to relax or risk losing your hair. For instance, I don't think my hair can do more than 9 weeks without shedding and breakage unless I braid... What about you guys?
I used to be natural but I've been relaxed now for quite a few years. I can go indefinitely as long as I do protein treatments but usually re-relax every three months - four months
I like to relax my new growth about every 6 to 7 weeks..... I just relaxed yesterday after 9 weeks, and that's a little too long for me to wait.
Oh ok so it seems that if I relax at the end of 10 weeks I should be ok.. My hair just doesn't feel as good as it used to. With the new growth it feels too stiff. I am 8 weeks out.
I'm transitioning now. But when I was relaxed I thought my stretch point was 6-8 weeks. after completing two 10+ month stretches, I now know that my hair sheds on a cycle. Every 6weeks or so my shedding increases. Then it decreases after 2 weeks. It happens whether I relax or not. So now that I know, I just deal with it. Treat my hair gently and enjoy when it slows down.

I wonder if that happens to anyone else?
I have about the same amount amount of shedding throughout my stretch. I usually stretch for 12 weeks. Last time I went about 14 weeks before I relaxed. I worry about breakage more than shedding though. I find that I don't have much breakage as long as keep my hair detangled. I detangle in the shower after I condition, which to me also helps with breakage.

Tomorrow I'll be ten weeks post and I have very little shedding and very little breakage. I'm thinking I might make it to 16 weeks this time.
I used to be natural but I've been relaxed now for quite a few years. I can go indefinitely as long as I do protein treatments but usually re-relax every three months - four months

What protein treatments do you use? How long do you keep them in and how often do you use them?