What is your prayer regiment?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies

I really need to step up my prayer life. Lately I've been mumbling a few words to the Lord before nodding off and that just is not right. In the past, I used to take 20 minutes whenever I got home to pray and read my Bible. I did this before I ate dinner or anything. As I find myself getting home from work later and later, though, this is more difficult to accomplish. (I am starved by the time I get home!!!) But, it's too important to let slip by the wayside, so I'm going to start up again.

In the meantime, I'm just wondering what you all do? Pray before going to bed? Early in the morning? Do you read your Bible/listen to music/journal?


Hi GG, I know what you mean!! I sometimes would fall a sleep praying before bed. What I do include God in everything I do throught the day. I pray to God in the morning on my way to work and I talk to God through out the day as I go.

Also, I signed up online at bibleinayear.org to get emails daily for my bible reading. If you sign up to receive the email, they will send the chapters to you to read, but, if you have problems reading on the computer screen then maybe you can take you bible with you to read when convenient. I take my bible to work with me and read on my breaks. I listen to music in my car and at my desk when possible. Also, I still try to pray at night as well.

I understand that most places were people work might not let an employee have access to email. I would suggest again to take your bible with you. It can be a small purse size.

I would have to say again to include God in everthing you do though out the day. Sing to Him when you are cooking, cleaning, in what ever you do!!
Hi Precious GG... You have a glow about you that shines all the way up here... Yes you do.

I hope this blesses you. Years ago, I stopped putting a 'time frame' on my time with the Lord. Know why? You'll love this.... :yep: I simply communicate with Him all day long...from the moment I wake and even during my sleep, I'm still talking to Him.

You see, whenever I'd start out with my 'hour' or so with Him, there would be so many distractions...endless and then I'd go through the day feeling like I'd missed something or I'd feel like I ddin't fulfill my 'quota' with Him.

What I've done is start my day with "I love you, Father God. I love you, Jesus, I love you Holy Spirit...come in to my heart and take over me; take over my day; lead and guide me all the way."

Now I still have my focused prayer time, and my Bible study, but it happens 'naturally'...as the Lord leads. For you see, there are times when God wants to have me in His presence other than 1st thing in the morning and before bed at night. And I am just 'yielded' to His promptings whatever the course of the day or night may be.

May I share one of my favorite scriptures with you? I love this word.

Lord, teach thou me, that which I do not see, where I have sinned, I will do no more. (Job 34:32).

I love it. I also love Isaiah 50:4..."....He awakes me morning by morning, I have the tongue of the learned, with a word in season for those who are weary."

I literally 'live' by His word. Because I am free to Him all throughout the day. I'm not locked into a time frame; for something more is always needed or required of me.

Do I mess up? Indeed I do. But that's why I love Job 34:32 so much. For when I mess up, I can always go back to Him, seek forgiveness and instruction to see what I did not see and sin no more.

Be blessed. I hope this helps you. I'm just a perpetural cycle of God's operation. I need Him to be in me; fully active all the time.

((( Hugs )))
Thank you for your responses, ladies. Yes, I do communicate with God all day long. I never thought about it the way you just explained it, though, Shimmie. I do find that when I spend focused, dedicated time with Him that I am so much more in tune with Him and I see things just happen . . . as they say, Much prayer, much power.

Okay. I am home sick today and it's taken me this long to really get myself up. I'm going to have some "quiet time" so that I can be focused for the rest of the day.

Glib Gurl said:
Thank you for your responses, ladies. Yes, I do communicate with God all day long. I never thought about it the way you just explained it, though, Shimmie. I do find that when I spend focused, dedicated time with Him that I am so much more in tune with Him and I see things just happen . . . as they say, Much prayer, much power.

Okay. I am home sick today and it's taken me this long to really get myself up. I'm going to have some "quiet time" so that I can be focused for the rest of the day.


In Jesus' name, you ARE the healed of God! "Heal me O' God and I shall be healed...."

Blessings angel...feel better.