What is your Lo Porosity Regimen?


Well-Known Member
I had figured out that I had lo-po hair about a year ago, but I must've forgot somehow and was reminded last weekend when I washed my hair just to have dry ends/semi dry hair within a few minutes of hopping out the shower. I've gathered a few tips from some old threads but think it would be great for everyone to list their regimens, what works/doesn't, specific products etc. because I see there is still a lot of confusion on the subject. So..

1) What shampoos are you using that are working to establish normal porosity? Do you use the same shampoo everytime you wash?

2) What conditioners are you using that have truly penetrated your hair and left it moisturized?

3)What leave-ins and daily moisturizers/oils are you using to help maintain moisture?

4) What other products are you using that have helped the situation, i.e. Baking Soda rinse before conditioning etc.

5)What is your regimen and have you noticed a noted change from when you first found out you were lo-po?
Bumping for you...I'm low porosity & still don't have this down. It does seem to help if I lightly blow dry the product on my hair, but I don't know how often or long to safely do this.

I wish there was a low porosity support thread! I don't feel like I know enough to start one!

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two threads with the same question..

this one help me so bad, since, porosity is nore more an issue : http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=558941

and the other one http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=128190

Krystle, Thank you and yes I have read all the threads on porosity, including the ones you have linked but as mg1979 stated below, I am still confused on products routines etc and was looking for actual regimens and product suggestions besides Baking soda rinses etc. I just spent $100's of dollars on Black Friday on all types of condish's, moisturizers etc. and want to see what other people are using, their regimens, to see how I can incorporate all that I have bought, what I already have, and most of all make my dry hair a thing of the past...I'm sure people have udpated regimens or maybe like me just discovered their lo po status and could benefit from some new ideas and product suggestions...

Bumping for you...I'm low porosity & still don't have this down. It does seem to help if I lightly blow dry the product on my hair, but I don't know how often or long to safely do this.

I wish there was a low porosity support thread! I don't feel like I know enough to start one!

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mg1979, what does lightly blow drying product onto the hair do? Don't think I've read about that...
1) What shampoos are you using that are working to establish normal porosity? Do you use the same shampoo everytime you wash? I use TE Mud wash

2) What conditioners are you using that have truly penetrated your hair and left it moisturized? I use AO HSR mixed with AVJ and water, but I want to try AO WC

3)What leave-ins and daily moisturizers/oils are you using to help maintain moisture? I'm still experimenting with leave ins, right now I'm alternating between Darcy botanicals Peach Kernel milk and Lemongrass Transitioning Cream...I like how the peach kernel milk smells. I LOVE Qhemet Biologics Cocoa Ghee for twistouts. I moisturize nightly with AVJ and water and in the a.m. I rub a little grapeseed oil in my hair

4) What other products are you using that have helped the situation, i.e. Baking Soda rinse before conditioning etc. Steaming!!! All day and tomorrow. I use the salons r us steamer

5)What is your regimen and have you noticed a noted change from when you first found out you were lo-po? I steam once a week for 30 minutes, baggy nightly. Hair has made a complete turn around.

Once I realized my hair had low porosity, I started rinsing my conditioners out with warm water. I had been trained to wash out with cold water to "seal the cuticle" but since my cuticle is firmly shut I had the opposite problem. Creams and lotions work wonders on my hair- greases and butters simply sit on top. I also just invested in a steamer so we'll see how that works out.
Bumping for you...I'm low porosity & still don't have this down. It does seem to help if I lightly blow dry the product on my hair, but I don't know how often or long to safely do this.

I wish there was a low porosity support thread! I don't feel like I know enough to start one!

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You don't have to know a lot to start one mg1979. Just the fact that it is a support thread, lets people know that they will come and learn from each other and support each other. They will appreciate it and benefit from it as much as you will.
1) What shampoos are you using that are working to establish normal porosity? Do you use the same shampoo everytime you wash?
I alternate between Terresentials Mud Wash and AO Blue Chamomile conditioner.

2) What conditioners are you using that have truly penetrated your hair and left it moisturized?

Previously Taliah Waajid's herbal conditioner and now AO Blue Chamomile conditioner.

3)What leave-ins and daily moisturizers/oils are you using to help maintain moisture?
This varies but I have a strategy.
1. Zuresh leave-in, SM Mist, KCCC gel for styling, seal with oil and butter
2. SM Smoothie + SM Mist + KCCC + seal with butter
3. Oil rinse + SM Smoothie

4) What other products are you using that have helped the situation, i.e. Baking Soda rinse before conditioning etc.

I don't use anything else really.

5)What is your regimen and have you noticed a noted change from when you first found out you were lo-po?

1. Oil my scalp with oil/EO blend and scalp massage
2. Every other week wash with Terresentials mud wash
3. Condition with AO Blue Chamomile under heat cap
4. Use one of my leave-in strategies as listed above
5. Twist sometimes with gel, sometimes without
6. Seal with oil and butter

Midweek: Moisturize with water, SM Mist or AVG/Oil 2) Apply sunflower oil 3) Apply butter blend.

1. I agree with the previous poster of rinsing with warm water.
2. I conditioner under my heat cap.
3. I also make sure I work the conditioner into my strands by applying it to thin layers of hair.
4. I apply a light oil before butters so they penetrate better.
5. An I mix any shea butter based product with oils to break down the butters for my hair.

I don't know that my hair has normal porosity but I have a regimen that seems to work. I have tried many of the porosity remedies but did not find that they worked for me.
1) What shampoos are you using that are working to establish normal porosity? Do you use the same shampoo everytime you wash? I use TE Mud wash

2) What conditioners are you using that have truly penetrated your hair and left it moisturized? I use AO HSR mixed with AVJ and water, but I want to try AO WC

5)What is your regimen and have you noticed a noted change from when you first found out you were lo-po? I steam once a week for 30 minutes, baggy nightly. Hair has made a complete turn around.


Beany, does mixing the AVJ with the conditioner help to seal the conditioner in after you shampoo? I'm thinking it might close up the cuticle since AVJ has a lower ph? maybe I'm missing something here...

1) What shampoos are you using that are working to establish normal porosity? Do you use the same shampoo everytime you wash?
I alternate between Terresentials Mud Wash and AO Blue Chamomile conditioner.

2) What conditioners are you using that have truly penetrated your hair and left it moisturized?

Previously Taliah Waajid's herbal conditioner and now AO Blue Chamomile conditioner.

3)What leave-ins and daily moisturizers/oils are you using to help maintain moisture?
This varies but I have a strategy.
1. Zuresh leave-in, SM Mist, KCCC gel for styling, seal with oil and butter
2. SM Smoothie + SM Mist + KCCC + seal with butter
3. Oil rinse + SM Smoothie
Faith, what is SM?
I see faithVA and Beany are using this Mud Wash and AO, never heard of the mud wash but used to use AO back in the day, about to look up mud wash now...wonder if it is similar to washing with Clay that I have been reading about lately?
@Beany, does mixing the AVJ with the conditioner help to seal the conditioner in after you shampoo? I'm thinking it might close up the cuticle since AVJ has a lower ph? maybe I'm missing something here...

@Faith, what is SM?
I see @faithVA and @Beany are using this Mud Wash and AO, never heard of the mud wash but used to use AO back in the day, about to look up mud wash now...wonder if it is similar to washing with Clay that I have been reading about lately?

cocoagirl, SM is Shea Moisture.

Terresentials is a clay mudwash that is mixed with EOs and other ingredients. There is a mud wash thread on it. Quite a few ladies on the board have starting using within the past 3 to 4 months with noticeable results. There are ladies that create their own version of a mudwash. The Terressentials is just premixed.

AO is one of the few natural conditioners that exists. Natural conditoners are hard to come by. I bought the Blue Chamomile by mistake but I actually like it.
I have low porosity and my staples along with regi is in my LHCF blog. I will answer generally below.

1) What shampoos are you using that are working to establish normal porosity? Do you use the same shampoo everytime you wash?
My shampoo selection has not converted my low porosity to normal porosity. I have found products that work sufficiently on my hair. Joico Kpak and Con Argan to name a few.

2) What conditioners are you using that have truly penetrated your hair and left it moisturized?
Most all conditioners penetrate if I steam them in. Kenra Moisturizing is a great conditioner that I consider a staple. I am cautious about using products with items that close the cuticle further.

3)What leave-ins and daily moisturizers/oils are you using to help maintain moisture?
My leave ins penetrate well if I layer the product and apply on sopping wet hair. I do not ring my hair about before applying them. Makes a tremendous difference in product absorption. I apply a lotion for detangling (Bee Mine Hair Milk), moisturizer (Bee Mine Luscious), and seal with oil (avocado).

4) What other products are you using that have helped the situation, i.e. Baking Soda rinse before conditioning etc.
water filter on shower; using natural products as much as possible; minimizing sulfates and -cones.

5)What is your regimen and have you noticed a noted change from when you first found out you were lo-po?
@mg1979, what does lightly blow drying product onto the hair do? Don't think I've read about that...

I'm not certain, but I think it opens up the cuticles to let the product absorb like dc'ing with a plastic cap & heat or steaming. I like to do this when I apply a conditioner as a leave-in. It seems like otherwise the leave-in just sits there. I've only been doing it for about a month though. I just make sure to lightly blow dry though until the product disappears-not enough to actually dry the hair...I think that might cause heat damage.
cocoagirl I mix it with AVJ to thin it out basically, AO HSR is so thick. My hair seems to like avj despite it's lower ph, but I also follow it up under a steamer or overnight baggy so my hair has no choice :lol:
I know one thing, I'm definitely buying a steamer, hopefully someone is having a holiday sale or something! Great posts ladies!
cocoagirl, got mine for LCL beauty. You can always do the home grown steam treatment until you get a steamer. There's a thread on that method. Let me know if you are unable to find it, I'll sift through my subscribed threads for you.
Is everyone using a clarifying shampoo for every wash? The only one I have is ORS and I'm thinking that's too harsh for weekly use. Looks like not many relaxed heads are using the TE mud wash so what poo's are y'all using?
I like ORS Creamy Aloe (to chelate and clarify now and then) but I use Roux Moisturizing Shampoo mostly.
I just realized my hair has lo-po so here's my plan:

1. Rinse hair w warm water BEFORE clarifying.
2. Continue to use moisturizing clarifying shampoo, i.e., Desert Essence Coconut Shampoo or poo bar.
3. Rinse shampoo out w warm water.
4. Use either Roux Porosity Control or ACV rinse BEFORE DC
5. DC w/ Jessicurl Weekly Conditioner, Darcy's Botanical, Mixed Chicks, or homemade w honey, molasses, EVOO & hemp seed oil under hood dryer for 1 hour or more
6. Rinse hair w warm water
7. Do not blot water.
8. Apply homemade LI throughout hair BEFORE styling to add more moisture while styling...Normally I would add the LI per section. LI contains both castor oil & glycerin which are both humectants.
9. Spray hair with warm water if it starts to dry.
10. Continue to baggy & use Greenhouse Effect @ least 3x week.
11. M&S every 2 days alternating between roots & ends.

NOTE: I wash, condition & style in sections of approximately 8-10 twists.

I'll update my results in a week to let you know how it works. Got my fingers crossed...gotta stop the breakage and soften the back section of my hair.
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The thing that changed my hair the most was dying my hair. Once I dyed my hair it lifted the cuticles and allowed my hair to soak up all the moisture it needs.

I cowash with (moisture recovery, Giovanni smooth as silk, natures advantage honey and almond, aussie moist,AOHSR) in braids atleast 6 days a week. leave ins vary but all of them are glycerin free and seal with Oyin Burnt sugar pomade or jane carter nourish and shine.

I use shampoo (shea moisture retention, ,silk dreams moisture,giovanni smooth as silk) every two weeks and deep condition(with AOHSR, silk elements green pack) using steam. Air dry to %80 with Aphogee protein leave-in athen blow dry with grapeseed oil.
Once I realized my hair had low porosity, I started rinsing my conditioners out with warm water. I had been trained to wash out with cold water to "seal the cuticle" but since my cuticle is firmly shut I had the opposite problem. Creams and lotions work wonders on my hair- greases and butters simply sit on top. I also just invested in a steamer so we'll see how that works out.

No need for me to post because I could've written this myself. LOL My hair reacts the exact same way as yours.
I just realized my hair has lo-po so here's my plan:

1. Rinse hair w warm water BEFORE clarifying.
2. Continue to use moisturizing clarifying shampoo, i.e., Desert Essence Coconut Shampoo or poo bar.
3. Rinse shampoo out w warm water.
4. Use either Roux Porosity Control or ACV rinse BEFORE DC
5. DC w/ Jessicurl Weekly Conditioner, Darcy's Botanical, Mixed Chicks, or homemade w honey, molasses, EVOO & hemp seed oil under hood dryer for 1 hour or more
6. Rinse hair w warm water
7. Do not blot water.
8. Apply homemade LI throughout hair BEFORE styling to add more moisture while styling...Normally I would add the LI per section. LI contains both castor oil & glycerin which are both humectants.
9. Spray hair with warm water if it starts to dry.
10. Continue to baggy & use Greenhouse Effect @ least 3x week.
11. M&S every 2 days alternating between roots & ends.

NOTE: I wash, condition & style in sections of approximately 8-10 twists.

I'll update my results in a week to let you know how it works. Got my fingers crossed...gotta stop the breakage and soften the back section of my hair.

I thought Roux Porosity Control was for high porosity hair. It seems like using that or the ACV before the dc would be closing the cuticle at a time you'd want it open.

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I see you've gotten a lot of answers already.

I just wanted to add that I stopped using cold water as a final rinse. Also, I DC overnight most of the time since I don't have a steamer, and use protein very sparingly (no protein in my leave-ins or styling products). I always apply my leave-in/moisturizer on wet or damp hair, even if I style it dry later.

Oh, and I have found that my hair does very well with aloe vera/products that contain aloe when I apply it AFTER I've moisturized. I guess the moisture gets "locked in" my strands by the low ph of the aloe.

ETA: My hair HATES roux porosity control conditioner. It made my strands feel like straw as soon as I applied it. That's when it sort of clicked for me that my hair was low porosity.
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The PC is supposed to work for both levels of porosity depending on how it is used. From how I understand it, the PC makes whatever treatment you're giving the hair work better so that's why it's done BEFORE the treatment, i.e., relaxer, color, DC.

I think if I had hi-po I'd need to us it after the DC. If it doesn't work well before the DC I'll try it the other way around. But since I already do the ACV after DC'ing and it's not working I think I need to try it BEFORE.

This is soooo complicated at times :ohwell:
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Hmm...I was told the Roux Porosity Control was for hi & lo porosity. The results are dependent on when it is used, before or after the DC. For hi-po it is supposed to be used as the final step. For lo-po it should be used before the DC. I'm going off of memory so don't quote me LOL
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I wish the bottle would give specific instructions dependant on if you have hi or low po. If def doesn't work for me after a DC (dry, straw-like hair) so i may try it before.
I wish the bottle would give specific instructions dependant on if you have hi or low po. If def doesn't work for me after a DC (dry, straw-like hair) so i may try it before.

Ditto!!!! It is like playing Russian roulette with your hair :lol: