What is/was a Challenge for you? 2012


Well-Known Member
and how did you or how do you plan to over come this challenge?

It is the year 2012 and I am just curious as to what is a challenge for you.

My challenge was/is using limited heat on my hair when it is out. Curlformers has helped me with this alot. I am able to wear my hair in these curls and not so much of as look at a blow dryer. Amazing.

PJaholic was a big problem for me. I had to just look at my stash and shake my head at it. I have a closet full of products, A whole two shelves plus more stuff in boxes. I have given away 2 boxes of products and still more left. That is with barely shopping last year. Even less this year. So....... I have been doing well with my Use up my Stash Challenge for myself.

I AM FALLING into the same thing with my wigs. I looked at my desk 4 wigs on it. My book shelf about four there two, down stairs on my sofa on the back 2 boxes, and every where I turn a stash of wigs. Not to mention the boxes in my closet with wigs in them. HUH, behind my door more wigs. SO yes, there is a problem there as well. I plan to challenge myself again to NOT BUY ANYMORE Wigs for the next 6 months.

I put myself on a 6 month challenge each time just to make life a little easier for me.

I cut my cards last year and vowed to not get any cards back for 6 months. Which that meant an automatic cut in my spending.

So Ladies what is your challenges?
How do you expect to over come these?
I am having the same challenge as I have had since the beginning of my hair journey. I have and am having a challenge properly moisturizing and maintaining moisture in my hair and retaining my ends. What haven't I tried?

With all the different attempts and combinations I am still trying. But I am running out of things to try.

My hair doesn't like protein even mild protein too often. So I've had to drop that back to a mild protein every other month. My ends break like crazy.

I've steamed with oil, with conditioner, with oil and conditioner. That was a waste.

I've DCd over night. I've DC'd for hours. Nothing.

I've tried the DCs others have raved about and some others. Nothing.

I've tried cowashing, no washing, etc. No change.

I've tried oils, butters, creams, no oils, no butters, no creams.

I'm always in a protective style and my hair is only out on wash day. My ends are always up and away.

So now I'm trying fifty eight versions of the loc method with all types of products and product combinations.

How do I expect to overcome this? Have no clue.
My challenge is protective styling. I really do not like protective styling. I know it's good for my ends and retention but I don't have the patience to do braids or twist, and my natural hair isn't long enough for buns that don't pull on my edges yet.

I don't think I will ever get used to PSing. For now I have put braids in and I will try to keep them in for at least a month. We shall see...