What is the shelf life of hair products?


New Member
Some of us where laughing about macherie's moldy optimum :lachen: . It just made me think...what is the shelf life of hair products? Should we really be using this stuff that's been under the cabinet for years? I know I got some Nexxus Dandruff poo that's 2 years old. :eek: I haven't even opened the bottle to see what's going on in there.:confused:

So how long for hair products in your opinion? Do we wait till it looks or smells bad or should there be a time when we just should let it go?

Hair Products In Jars Or Tubes. Which Is Better?

If you have a choice of buying your favorite hair care product in a tube or jar, which one do you select?
Did you know that hair care products that come in jars don't have the same shelf life as tubes or pumps.
Really? Yes really.
Why? The answer is actually quite simple. Jars must be opened to dispense the product. Therefore when you dip your fingers into the product it may be exposed to germs that are hiding on your fingers and therefore contaminate any of the product remaining in the jar. This can be a real problem if lots of people are using the products at the same time.
What To Do If Your Favorite Hair Care Products Only Come In Jars And Not Tubes?
There are several ways to get maximum use out of products in jars.
1. Use a sterile spoon and using freshly washed hands, scoop out the amount of product you wish to use BEFORE you use it in the bath or shower. Than carefully seal the jar.
2. If multiple people are going to use the product, ask them to follow the same, spoon out in advance principle.
3. Make sure the jar lid is always tightly closed.
4. Store the product away from excessive temperatures and out of the sun.
5. Keep the plastic separator that separates the lid from the actual product. This acts as a special barrier against air.
Many cosmetic and hair care companies are moving toward pump dispensers. Pumps offer the advantage of measured doses and they are more sanitary.
If your favorite product is more economical cost wise in jars, be sure to follow the tips above to guarantee a longer lifecycle and maximum benefit.