What is the point?


New Member
I have been reading a lot of posts about breakage and shedding. Is the whole point of this "loving your hair" thing not have ANY breakage and/or shedding? Is that even possible - to not have ANY at all? :perplexed
I agree with Diva, I have had periods when detangling my hair I had to take Tylenol and have a shot of a little something-something, each time breaking off huge amounts of hair. But when I started only detaingling in the shower with conditioner on my hair, and using gentle products and methods, I hardly break any hair anymore (unless I am being careless).

I agree with the others as well. Shedding is going to happen regardless...depending on your hair cycle and other things like surgery, postpartum, stress, illness, diet, etc. Breakage means you're not doing something right...like not protecting, too dry, too much heat, etc. The point of the whole thing is to learn your hair....what it likes, dislikes, and what it needs internally and externally to be healthy and grow, grow, grow.;)
Divalicious said:
It's possible not to have breakage; I think it's impossible not to have shedding. That's something that's natural.
EXACTLY..and to be honest the last few weeks I've been shedding alot due to needing a relaxer....I finally gave myself one last night and a lot of hair came out, I mean alot, alot..I had a big ole hair ball..bigger than I've ever seen and then I did a slight trim on top of that and guess what..my hair is even longer & thicker than it's ever been:) ...my hair has always been thick but it seems even thicker because I used a super relaxer-relaxed it until it was bone straight wrapped & flat-ironed and it still very weighty & thick
..all this to say, that shedding isn't a bad thing.. and sometimes I have to remind myself of this too.
It is NOT possible to NOT have breakage. Yes you read correct, it is NOT possible to not have breakage.

Some strands no matter what you do, it's just their time to go and you can't salvage them. And that is okay. I hate to see people get all freaked out over a strand or two. Once you get to know your hair's properties you will know what is "too much" breakage and what is "normal" breakage. The same thing goes for shedding. Shedding is envitable. It will never stop.
LocksOfLuV said:
It is NOT possible to NOT have breakage. Yes you read correct, it is NOT possible to not have breakage.

Some strands no matter what you do, it's just their time to go and you can't salvage them. And that is okay. I hate to see people get all freaked out over a strand or two. Once you get to know your hair's properties you will know what is "too much" breakage and what is "normal" breakage. The same thing goes for shedding. Shedding is envitable. It will never stop.

Agreed. You just have to watch your hair and learn your hair. There is no such thing as the "perfect" head with no breakage or shedding.
All hair sheds. It's part of the hair growth cycle. And typical african american hair is PRONE to breakage no matter how much we nurse it.:perplexed
LocksOfLuV said:
It is NOT possible to NOT have breakage. Yes you read correct, it is NOT possible to not have breakage.

Some strands no matter what you do, it's just their time to go and you can't salvage them. And that is okay. I hate to see people get all freaked out over a strand or two. Once you get to know your hair's properties you will know what is "too much" breakage and what is "normal" breakage. The same thing goes for shedding. Shedding is envitable. It will never stop.

ITA! Especially considering that our hair is soooo fragile and all the things we do to it- there is going to be 'some' breakage. Shedding is normal, we shed hair daily just like we shed skin cells daily.