What is the one thing you just can't get right???

Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

ReaLuvsAOxymoron said:
Its like the blowdryer would scare my hair and make it shrink up into a little ball.

[/ QUOTE ]

Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I do not feel comfortable rollersetting at all. It takes forever to get the rollers in and I hate sitting under the dryer for 60 to 90 minutes. Also, more times than not my hair is not completely dry so it looks a mess.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right

I can't do ANYTHING with my hair. Here, the list will be shorter if I tell you what I CAN do:

I'm pretty good at parting my hair down the middle and making a dowdy little bun or ponytail.

I can make a mean single plait in the back of my head. Sometimes I can even make, *gasp* TWO!!

I am the MASTER of giving up and putting on a hat.

That's it
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right

I've never been able to cornrow,flattwist, or put in a relaxer. I need to work on making my buns look smoother and neater as well.

Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right

I have found that trimming hair with the conditioner still in with really sharp scissors does it pretty well for me. But most importantly make sure to get some super duper sharp scissors.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right

Flat Twist
French Roll

But, I can do a mean Rollerset
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I cannot blow dry, relax, cornrow, rollerset. I will be teaching myself to rollerset though. It is something that I MUST learn, if I ever want to have an occasional straight style again.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right

french braid, french braid, frencd braid
I dont think yall hear me!
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right

I can relax, flat iron, even rollerset...but it's the elusive braid which has me perplexed...something in my teeny tiny little brain can't grasp the concept of wraping 3 pieces of hair around each other...two? the twist I can do...cornrow...forget it!!!
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I can't rollerset.
I can cornrow, I wish I could because I wear a braid-out so I just do 4 plaits.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I can't cornrow or do the two-strand twists that lay on your head like cornrows for a twist out. And I don't know anybody who can other than my stylist who charges like $30 for it!
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

Not to toot my own horn..........but I can do everything! EXCEPT...........braid!!!! I can braid if it's like braid a ponytail or something, but I can't do braid extensions and I can't do cornrows! And it kills me! I really really need to just buy a video or something because I really want to know how! But I do excellent relaxers and never overlap! I've been trimming, cutting and even layering my own hair since I was around 15, I've always been able to get my hair looking better than the salon. My Mom asked me all the time, why I even go to a salon when I'd come home crying about somebody chopping off my hair! I've always done it better. Now I've learned all the moisture my hair needs and I'm sure we can all grow our hair out super long now! If only I could learn to braid!!! Then I'd really be set!
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

Oh, and I can't use that stupid little marcel curling iron, but those things are awful and I don't want to anyway! They overheat and just take all the life out of your hair! Stay away from the Marcels!!!! Heat is EVIL!! :-)
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I can't find the right moisturizer.It's either too much or not enough. So I've decided to make my own.

My rollerset always turn out bad.I think I just need to practice more.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I can rollarset but can't quite get those completely separated strands of hair like its water, the way Dominican salons can.

I also can't cornrow which is highly annoying since I'd love to rock the rows going forehead to the back with large hoop earrings (for summer). Dang, I'll do twist rows instead
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I can't wrap at all. I have given up on it. I can roller set but not with magnetic rollers. I have to add the snap.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right

You all can laugh at me if you want.. it's a family joke in my house: but I can't even make a simple braid! I never get it right. Not once. But the crooked uneven twisty one I make at bedtime serves its purpose, I guess.