What is the meaning of your name?


Well-Known Member
Peoples names are very special. Besides being one of the main things by which they identify, i've recently been led to think they have a significance to our journey here on earth. I've looked up some names of famous people in the bible and the meaning of their names seem to be a summary of their lives in one word.

e.g. David - beloved (beautiful meaning): he found favour with most people he came across and most importantly with God, Daniel - God is my judge, Elijah - MY God is the Lord, Gabriel (Angel Gabriel) - God's able bodied one, Solomon - peace, Peter - rock, and the list goes on and on.

I thought it might be fun to know the meaning of our names. It just might lighten up the mood in here as well which hasn't been very light over the last few days.

So, what is the meaning of your name? (you don't have to tell us what it is, just the meaning)

You can find out here if you don't know: http://babynamesworld.parentsconnect.com/ , http://www.babyhold.com

or just google search.
This is nice. My name means 'My God is salvation' and is apparently Hebrew. I actually hated it growing up because people would pronounce it wrong lol.
My first name is a derivative of a Russian/Hebrew biblical name and it means date palm, the fruit of the palm tree. Valued tree/fruit in Israel.
This is nice. My name means 'My God is salvation' and is apparently Hebrew. I actually hated it growing up because people would pronounce it wrong lol.

I know that feeling lol. I have one of those names that have to be shortened to be pronounced properly.

My first name is a derivative of a Russian/Hebrew biblical name and it means date palm, the fruit of the palm tree. Valued tree/fruit in Israel.

I really like that.
Ok I didnt make this up....

First name: "Beautiful Flower"
Middle name: "Rare and precious"

Last name: Country,lol, I made that one up but its a southern name
Its an English surname (really no meaning)....which became a boys name...then a popular girls name

They have a chart tracking the popularity of the name for boys and girls since the 1800s! cool!

middle name: info:
Coming from the Sanskrit word meaning beauty and splendor, this is the name of a Hindu goddess. Also is another name for Lakshmi who is the wife of the god Vishnu.
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My name has a Greek origin and it means "Revelation from God". My name has been around since 1600 AD and is considered ancient.
My real name is rare so it's never been listed on name databases; my Father gave me an Indian name, it means "Morning Star"...

It's ironic too because I have a friend who always calls me his "Sunshine" and "Shining Light" ...:yep:
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First Name means Christ's Birthday (I was born on Christmas so my first name suits me well!) :)

Middle Name means Happy, Luck and Fortunate
My real name is rare so it's never been listed on name databases; my Father gave me an Indian name, it means "Morning Star"...

It's ironic too because I have a friend who always calls me his "Sunshine" and "Shining Light" ...:yep:

From the little I know of you/your personality from on here, i'd say ur name is very appropriate :yep:

First Name means Christ's Birthday (I was born on Christmas so my first name suits me well!) :)

Middle Name means Happy, Luck and Fortunate

You should probably play the lottery often if you don't already :grin:
'God is gracious' my middle name has meaning, my first name does not outside of the obvious. After I got saved God gave me a special name 'Ramya' which means "God is exalted'
First Name: it's Nigerian and its a name that is given to royalty...or something (my mom lucked up on that one b/c she definitely got my name out of a magazine)

Middle Name: means winged victory or something like that

Last Name: I have no idea
Daughter of light, daughter of the dawn and my middle, young warrior and last name, red-headed. It's funny, because all of these names fit me at one time or another in my life, was sandy redheaded as a kid and I hated it. But I am certainly a warrior as well as a daughter of the dawn. Names are something else!
My first name is Arabic and Hebrew.

Arabraic meaning is peace and tranquility with some additional history behind it.

Hebrew meaning is God’s presence in the world.

Of course, my name isn't spelled the same as the above meanings. But it still sounds the same.

My middle name is KEESHEA (sounds (KE - SHAY) my mom derived Kee from KEisha and SHEA from the shea stadium in NY. So it's KEESHEA NOT Keisha. If you call me Keisha, I'll jack you up. LOL!!!
My last name is Scottish.
My first name means womanly.
My middle name means God is gracious.
My last name means master of his (her) senses.
First Name
Cu****ic - Queen Mother, Queen of Ethiopia
Greek - white hot, fire white, glowing, glittering
Latin - white, pure, sincere

Middle Name
Greek - honey bee

ETA: The system edited out the first word. Its C.U.S.H.I.T.I.C. Its an afroasiatic language spoken in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya.