What is the length of a TWA?


New Member
I know that TWA stands for Teeny Weeny Afro, but I want to know at what length doe is stop being a TWA and become a...(I don't know what comes after a TWA lol)?
I think that's really relative and up to the person. That's like asking when does short hair stop being short and become long? Depends on whom you ask.
I know that TWA stands for Teeny Weeny Afro, but I want to know at what length doe is stop being a TWA and become a...(I don't know what comes after a TWA lol)?

Great question. Maybe we could start a standard here. I think true measurements via a ruler, would be the only fair way.

0 - 4 inches = TWA
I have a BAA (big a$$ afro) and its 9-11 inches. I say after 5 inches you grow outta the twa size. If you pick that out, it aint tiny :)
This is interesting to know. I plan to transition for a total of 1.5 to 2 years, so I will never have a twa.

If I chopped now I would definitely have a twa. I'm 7 months post and i have about 3.5 to 4 inches of new growth.