What is the difference between lotion/creme/moisturizer and conditoner?


New Member
I know that its possible to use a skin lotion on your hair, but that most of the time the ingredients in skin lotion arent as good as hair moisturizers.

And I know some people leave conditioners in there hair after washing, and some will use it on there ends...

Some conditoners have really good ingredients for repairing hair, which I know most moisturizers dont...

Besides that, what is the difference?

Do conditoners have any ingredients that makes you need to wash them out? That will leave your hair sticky or anything? Do they have more water than moisturizers? Do moisturizers have more oils or something.....?

Is there anyone who doesnt use moisturizers, just conditoner?

Or people who dont use much conditoner (besides repair or deepconditoning treatments), just a moisturizer?
i think if you are using a conditioner that is not all natural it probably has cones and other ingredients that has to be shampooed out. also conditioner tend to be much heavier on the hair than typical leave ins and maybe that poses issues for some hair types.
I know that its possible to use a skin lotion on your hair, but that most of the time the ingredients in skin lotion arent as good as hair moisturizers.

And I know some people leave conditioners in there hair after washing, and some will use it on there ends...

Some conditoners have really good ingredients for repairing hair, which I know most moisturizers dont...

Besides that, what is the difference?

Do conditoners have any ingredients that makes you need to wash them out? That will leave your hair sticky or anything? Do they have more water than moisturizers? Do moisturizers have more oils or something.....?

Is there anyone who doesnt use moisturizers, just conditoner?

Or people who dont use much conditoner (besides repair or deepconditoning treatments), just a moisturizer

Raises hand--

I do not buy leave in moisturizers.. I stick with conditioner+ aloe vera juice+ oils

works well for me
I use the term leave-in and conditioner interchangeably. I know that companies do not. From my perspective, a leave-in is just what it says, but the consistency is very light. Many conditioners can be left in. There are many conditioners that I use as leave-ins that don't specifically say they can be left in the hair. Does that make sense? I have bought a few leave-ins. I primarily stick with conditioners. I need thick/heavy products on my hair. Leave-ins usually don't work well on my hair and I have to mix them with something else. To answer your question, yes I don't use buy moisturizers I use conditioners. Although there are things that I put on my hair to moisturize like butters.