What is the Best PROTEIN Pre & Post Perm treatments???


New Member
Hello all you wonderful ladies of LHCF,

I have been a membe for over a year and have had great success from your insights and opinons, so I thought I would give this question a shot. I am four months post relaxer and want to perm in the next couple of weeks. So, I was wondering what the BEST pre & post perm protein treatments were. I have heard some people say Emergence the week before and the week after, while other use Keraphix or something milder. What is your opinon? I have used emergence in the past and was also wondering if people noticed any different results when using the nexxus line of products together for their treatments. Like using, Bonanoil for shampoo, Emergence Protein, and then Humuctress rather than mixing and mathcing. PLEASE PLEASE I NEED YOUR HELP! :) I really want to protect my hair and strengthen it in the process. Also, one more question....what is the BEST no-lye gentle/mild perm???

Thanks Ladies
Hello everyone,

I am a new member to the forum but I have been reading posts for a few weeks now.I have gotten some great advice here and have been following a lot of the tips thanks to everyone on this site.I have seen a great improvement in my hair.

One week before my t-up I use the aphogee treatment(hate the smell love the results.(I use a cotton strip around my hairline to protect my neck and ears"it's called beauty coil in the cosmetic section of the store near the fingernail polish or makeup applicators.It's used in salons prior to haircoloring and thio based perms(curly) to prevent the product from dripping".)
(I use this method in all of my deep conditioner and oil treatments to prevent drips they irritate my skin)
Afterwards I use the aphogee balancing moisturizer to put the moisture balance back into my hair following the protein treatment.

The following week I neutralize and condition my hair after t-ups and immediately use Dudleys Hair Rebuilder with my shower cap under a warm dryer for 15 minutes. The hair rebuilder has the exact amount of protein and moisture that my hair needs following t-ups.Hope this helps.
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